Princess Four attends a young adult / singles church in her college town. The Ecclesiastic leaders sent a letter to each parent of the singles that attend church in their area inviting them to attend church with their child today as a "family day" and then had a dinner after the meeting.
On a surprise note, Princess Four was asked to be the leader for the women in the church there, and the position is called "President" and the women's group is known as "Relief Society" as they were set up to aid other women and members of the church. Since that time, it has retained that name and the position includes certain responsibilities.
The Relief Society President (RS) is in charge of organizing two ministering sisters (women in the group) to visit other sisters in the group so that each woman has two women who check up on them and visit with them, and help them as needed so that no person is without someone to check in on them as needed.
They are also over organizing teachers for the lessons, activity meetings, compassionate services as needed, among other things and generally in charge of keeping the women organizations in the local church moving along.
She was overwhelmed and excited about the opportunity to serve the other women, and get to know them all better. Each president has 2 women that act as assistants or councilors to the president and then a secretary and the have meetings regularly to talk about needs of the women in their area that may be in need of service, help, or love.
Princess Two has been in that position several times now and also was in the more general presidency. There are the local churches, then there are what we call "Stakes" as the stakes support a large tent and without support stakes, the tent wouldn't stand. So, that term has remained from older times as the Stake leaders support all the local leaders in their areas. So there would be a Stake RS President over all the smaller church group RS Presidents. Similar to a principle over the teachers in the school and the district is over the principles of all the schools. So the Stake leaders are like the district over the principles of the school if that makes it more clear.
Anyway, I hadn't planned on getting that in depth about any of tha,t but it will kind of give you an idea of how it works.
I drove 8 hours today to picking up Princess Two so we could attend "Family Day" and on the way out of the house, I ran back in to pick up some music CD's I purchased this past week at a second hand store. I didn't look at the song list on the cd's but they were groups I enjoy so I put the first in and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow comes on and I look to my right and the license plate on the car to my right and in front of me has a 111 in it. I then realized the song I was listening to was "Somewhere over the rainbow," which is the song that I hear when I feel my mother near me as she sang it to me each night as a child and we sang it at her funeral. Here is a link to a post about that.
As the day progressed, at three different stops, we kept finding pennies on the ground and ended up with four pennies for the day. On the way to get into the car and hug Princess Four goodbye, Princess Two picks up a penny just outside our car door and hands it to her sister. As a reminder, they say, "In God We Trust" and I have a post explaining why we pick them up, but basically, it usually is around times when we know we need to be reminded to Trust God in our lives. Here is the original post about that.
We get in the car to start our long journey home, and put in another CD, and I hoped this CD had "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on it but I hadn't checked for sure as I was in a hurry when I was at the store and figured even if it didn't, my Step-mother is from Hawaii and I thought she would like the CD. I first heard this guy on youtube as this song came up on auto play and I posted about it on a blog as it was weird to have that come up as I usually watch metal detecting video or something that I don't have to watch as I work on projects. So, I recognized this guy on the front of the CD because I posted about him on this post here. I will link the video on youtube here as well as it is such a beautiful rendition! I didn't even know he had a CD When I watched the video originally, I realized he had passed away as they are spreading his ashes into the sea at the end of the video, so I was excited to see the CD this week. This video has over 798 million views just on the one video and there are many others where people put the words or pictures or rainbows. It is amazing to see that many views on one song by an unknown singer.
I was really happy to know that it did have "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on it. I thought it was kind of funny that I purchased two CD's in a week that had that song on it as I don't buy cd's much anymore as everything is digital, so I really felt like my mother was telling us that she was there enjoying the day with us, especially since I went back into the house after the car was started to get the cd's to listen to while on my long drive!
As I downloaded the picture of us to post on this blog at the top, I looked at the clock and it was 11:11. I just smiled as that is was just another reminder that my Heavenly Father is aware of our day and how special it was for us to all be together enjoying good things, including my mom. Here is the original post about 111's in my life.
I also forgot that there are daylight savings issues and that made my day even longer! So, I am excited to hit my pillow in a few minutes and pray for sweet dreams.
Have a Blessed Day!
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