Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bestest In The Westest - Princess Five in NJ

This week we were able to go back and visit the cute little family we met last week! As we were talking about Jesus Christ and the Bible, we asked if we could share a verse from the Book of Mormon. It turns out that Ria was visited by missionaries before in her country! They helped her family build their home and taught them about the gospel. We invited them to read the living Christ and when we went back the next time they had questions about who Joseph Smith was, because he is mentioned in the living Christ. So we taught them the restoration! They almost came to church but were worried because their baby was a little sick. But they said that they would like to come next week! We have an another appointment with them tomorrow and are so excited!

On Tuesday and Saturday we had English classes with 2 different women from the Dominican Republic. When we showed up to both of these appointments they had both prepared food for us, I tried my first Mangú and it was ok!

On Wednesday, I hit my one year mark! And to celebrate we went to sister Brar's 3 week meeting where President checks on all the new missionaries and their trainers.

One day we were knocking doors, and the street which we had chosen to knock from our area map consisted of about 5 houses and 1 Jehovah's Witness Chapel... so we knocked it anyway and had some interesting conversations. On the last house of the street, we were let into a woman's home, after about a 15 minutes it was clear that she was not interested in our message, and as we were trying to leave she brought out some snacks, and after about 10 more minutes sister Brar looked down at her watch and made a really big gasping sound and said "we have to go right now!" We both stood up and we were about out the door, when this sweet lady said, you forgot your ShopRite cookies... so we took the cookies to go, and continued our search for scattered Israel!

On Sunday, we were in branch council, and were a little down because we found out that Ria and Carl couldn't come to church. We received a text from lsa (who we thought was supposed to be in Pennsylvania) she asked if we were having church that day, we said yes and asked her if she was back from Pennsylvania, and she said, "yeah I'm in the chapel, but there is no one here" so we ran out of our meeting and into the empty chapel, and there was lsa we were so excited! She loved the meeting and said next week she would bring her son so he can go to primary!

The Church is true, the Church is God's, I know this through the little bits of knowledge I gain every day, and through the tender mercies we receive each week, and most importantly from the Holy Ghost which testifies the truth of all things. I don't know how I was the pre earth lottery in heaven to be blessed with the knowledge of the gospel on the earth but it is perfect, and it is life changing. I have seen it work in the lives of many over the course of this last year but more importantly in my own life, especially as I have been blessed with the time to study and share the truths of the gospel daily!

Thank you all for your love and support! As sister Brar would say, you are all the "bestest in the westest!"

Hermana Princess Five 

Me and my cute comp on my 1 year mark
2 of the missionaries I came out with

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