Hola hola!
This week was one of those long weeks, you know?
On Tuesday we went to district council and on the way home we had to stop at a Nissan dealership to get an update done on our car. That night we met with Tina We followed up with her praying and she said she has been praying to gain more understanding. Then
she has been STUDYING the Book of Mormon and the bible together. Every time she comes across a footnote from the bible she would look it up and make sure that the books agreed. She shared that she had never read the bible before but has a strong desire to come
closer to God. She is incredible! We taught her on Thursday as well the plan of salvation and she understood very well and said a super sincere prayer at the end, AND THEN she came to church!! Not many of of members have cars and our chapel is a 15-20 min
drive from where most of our friends and members live. So it's super hard to get friends here, and on time, and then getting them back home. But Tina seemed to really enjoy it. The branch went to the temple the day before so there was a lot of talk about baptisms
for the dead and Tina was quite concerned, but between classes we were able to explain everything and we will be seeing her again tonight!
This week we had a push called NJMM 500! As a mission we set a goal to find 500 new friends, where as before the most found was somewhere around 380, or 430 or something. We all were on a finding high! We as a companionship set a goal to find 8 people but we
ended up finding 10 new amazing friends to teach! And finding 510 new friends as a mission! We kept experiencing one tender mercy after another!
We were going to a lesson with a man named Diver and his Mom, and when we came into the house his sister was leaving with her daughter and said here is my address come over to my house tomorrow at 4... what?! So we went over the next day and taught her the restoration
and now we have a return appointment with her and her to sons on Friday!

Our friends Van and Payla came to our Thanksgiving dinner and they LOVED IT! Van was asked to help carve the Turkey, he was so happy and loved being able to help even though he was so tired from his work!
One of our friends is going through a really hard time, and so he wasn't going to be able to meet with us for English class, we called him to get the number of another lady but we ended up reading the Book of Mormon with him for the next half an hour, so that
was really good! Hopefully we can meet with him soon.
Hermana Princess Five
My cute comp!
Thanksgiving Dinner
Us eating a French-toast Bagel!
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