With that, I want to share a gratitude moment with you as it is Thanksgiving and I am giving thanks for this small thing.
When I lived at my dads this summer helping him with his knee surgery, I worked in the yard quite a bit and they had a terracotta hose holder. I had never seen one like that before.
I have purchased many hose containers over the years and the one I had in the front yard was so brittle that it crumbled apart. I purchased a square one to replace that open winding one a few months back.
I hooked up the hose and then tried to wind it up and use it one day and it took me forever and a lot of muscle power to get the hose in and out of that square decorative holder. It only took me using it one time to know I WILL NOT be using that again. I pulled the hose off and put the holder to the side of the house to sell at a yard sale I thought I was having which never happened and that square hose holder is still at the corner of the house.
The next day, I head to my favorite second hand store and walk thorough the outside part of the store and don't see anything I want. As I was leaving that space, I noticed this terracotta hose holder and the best part was that it was $3! Not only did He answer my prayer, He did it in a way I could afford! It took less than 24 hours for HIM to answer that prayer!
I feel so grateful for a Loving Father that gives me my wants and needs and is so thoughtful of my needs. I feel truly blessed this Thanksgiving and will post more later on that!
I hope you are having a Blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by those who love you!
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