On Monday we taught English class which was fun as always.
On Tuesday we had our first District Council of the transfer. It was one of the hermanas birthdays and so she brought cake for everyone! That afternoon we knocked on a door and offered a lady some help, she wasn't really interested, but she let us in and we ended up helping her daughter with her homework, for a few minutes.
On Wednesday we had exchanges, Sister Stos came and joined me here in Plainfield, she's so much fun! We were able to teach our friend Elsa who is just incredible, she understands the scriptures so well! And she loves reading them! Sister Stos doesn't speak Spanish, so I had like 3 people try and convince me that Jesus Christ is the only way we are saved. Which is kind of ironic. And also always a little frustrating.

On Friday we had a super awesome lesson with our friend Marleny. She read the entire restoration pamphlet which usually not many people do, and she had a question about God and how we believe he has a body, so we read in Luke where Christ is with his disciples in the flesh with his disciples and then ascends into heaven. And there was a really cool moment where she accepted what we taught, understood it, and didn't try to argue. It's really sad how often we find contention when we teach people. That night we went to go knock some doors when we were surprised to see that Halloween had been moved to November 1 for some reason. So once again we were unable to knock doors, but we did get free candy so that was good.
On Saturday, we were knocking doors in a new part of our area when the borders were adjusted and we knocked on this house at around 3:30 and woman answered told us she was eating lunch and we asked if we could come back in like 20 minutes, she didn't seem to interested, but we went back any way once we had made our way around the street and a man answered the door this time, it turns out that there were two apartments in this house, his name was Carlos. He told us he used to have a desire to do good things but through time he lost that desire, so we explained the light of Christ with him and offered to study the bible with them as well. He went and asked his wife permission, and invited us right in to teach them a bible study right their. We taught Carlos and his wife (and their one month old named Sam) and their neighbor as well. We were very unprepared, but we ended up teaching a make shift bible lesson about Peter walking on the water, and how we need to focus on Christ. They asked us to come back so overall I think it went well.

Also in that same neighborhood while we were knocking we came to a house and in their mud room while we were waiting for them to open the door there were some odd nick nacks like a human bio mannequin and some broken vintage games. But then a man answered the door and from my line of vision I could see 5 vintage pinball machines, we asked how many he had and he said 30+ as well as skee ball in the basement. He wasn't interested in our message, but it was a fun surprise.
Yesterday was CRAZY! We went to church and one of our incredible members invited her extended family to come and watch her teach in Sunday school! So we had 2 families there but PLOT TWIST! We walked over to introduce ourselves and it was a lady named Mariela who we taught once a month ago, she was the wife of Fernando the Painter who we have had a hard time contacting! She said she works a lot but we will hopefully meet with her soon. We taught 2 really cool lessons the first one we taught was in a laundromat to our new friend Jose it was really loud and not ideal, but he was very curious and had many good questions. hopefully he's curious enough to read the Book of Mormon.😊 And the second one was an English class for a cute family and 2 of their friends in their house they were very grateful for our lesson and said we were welcome back anytime, so we will be seeing them next week as well!
Anyway, sorry this is super long, we just had too much fun this week! So much fun that we didn't take many pictures...😊
1. Exchange pictures! Lighting brought to you by Hobby Lobby.😂
2.Our fun Halloween costumes, thanks mom!
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