I have some friends coming to visit from New Zealand next week and may miss a few posts due to a family wedding for a niece the day after the company arrives, a home coming for a nephew the next day and a farewell for my aunt and uncle headed to London an hour after the farewell in another city. All of these events are hours from my home.
Princess Four wants to attend a temple of our faith in a distant city in the middle of that and we meet with the surgeon about Princess Five's arm today.
The list of things Princess Four needs to get or get done is quite large and I shared with her that many of these things can't wait to be done as they have time constraints that make us have to get them done now.
I asked her to make a list of all the items we need to purchase and then another list of all the things that need to be done, sent in, ordered etc. She ended up with two very full pages.
Today, we went to the bank and she applied for her first credit card and notified them that she will be leaving the country and her debit card will need to have access in Japan.
Just then, the song "True Colors" came on the radio and "Don't be afraid, to let them see your true colors, Your beautiful like a rainbow." came on. The lyrics and irony weren't lost on us. If you haven't read my blog over the past six months, you wouldn't know that the rainbow is my mothers way of communicating since she has passed on. When things are stressful etc, we see a rainbow or a song about rainbows will play. Here is the first post about rainbows but there are others if you type "Rainbow" in the search box, you can read more on that.
Also, Princess Four has my mothers and my grandmothers beautiful blue eyes and my mother was the best missionary and most friendly person I have ever met so I know she was telling Princess Four to just be herself and not hide who she is and let people get to know her true self.
We bought some shirts and tried on lots of glasses and will probably end up buying some glasses online as insurance will only pay for contacts or glasses and her prescription has changed enough that I want her to have new glasses if needed but we are going with contacts for the majority of days.
I pray that I can get everything I need to done in the next few days and maybe post for next week early, if not, please forgive the lack of posts as it truly is hectic in my world presently.....
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