I did ask God why he hasn't shared with me how to cure this. His answer was, "If I gave you the answer, you would have cured yourself and the few people you know have it. You wouldn't have embarrassed yourself to share it with others and all those in the U.S. and world that may have, or will have this at some point, would NEVER know what you learned about how to cure it. How many people would go through not knowing it was even a parasite and continue getting sicker and sicker. How many would maybe think it is a parasite and take the medications you have with no luck, bad side effects and out lots of money. I'll share the cure in time when there is enough information about this out there that everyone can get treated." Of course it was just a thought in my head as I don't claim to speak with God but when I pray, I often get thoughts and images as answers. I KNOW what he gave me for an answer is true. I would have done exactly that!
I DON'T want to focus on parasites, I would treat myself and share with my neighbors but I would NOT put it online for everyone to see and be known as the parasite lady! I love my neighbors enough that I am willing to "fight the fight" to get this out there even at my own loss. I have friends who think I should be quarantined and that I probably started the outbreak. I hope I haven't lost them forever as friends because I know they are living in fear. They don't have an understanding of the parasite and I will do what I feel God wants me to do even at loss of friends. When more is known about this, I hope that their lives are such that they can "deal" with whatever the finding is. If it is their cat, or the city water, or the soil, or the local crops.... I know it will be hard for some no matter what the findings as there are hazards in life no matter where you live. I hope that answers any questions about why there isn't a "cure" yet.
I can't tell you how crazy the last few days have been with weird stories. I had a board meeting at the food bank and was finished and out running errands much earlier than I normally would be. I ran into a woman whose daughter is a friend of my daughter. She told me how much I helped one of her daughter by telling her about Hydrochloric Acid or HCL when her daughter had been having some digestion problems. (Click here for a post where I mention that.)
I started telling her about the parasites as that could have been some of the stomach issues her daughter had and she has almost all of the symptoms. She mentioned she even had the "sticky hand" thing on her hand once after wiping. That was a new one for me. I have only had that happen that one time to me. She said that some of her kids had some of the symptoms as well. I told her about my blog and the videos I had done and how she should get herself diagnosed so they can have more people on the "list" of people for the CDC or State Health Dept.
I finished talking with her and start to walk through the store and a woman stops me and asks, "I overheard you and wondered if you have heard of the cat parasite and the lady who has the non-human parasite?" I looked at her with my mouth open and asked her where she had heard about that as I was the lady with the parasite. She told me she had gone to her Chiropractor that morning and showed him a rash on the back of her leg. He asked her about some symptoms and told her that he thought she may have it. I talked with her for another 30 minutes and she has all but a few symptoms of the parasite. Her rash was starting at the ankle in the back and up 1/4 the way up the back of her leg. I gave her several cards to give to the Chiropractor so he could hand them out to people that he thinks may have the problem.
With that back story, you can imagine my surprise having that stranger come up to me and within a few hours of the Dr's office being opened, he had already had a patient that had symptoms and shared with her. I truly felt that God had his hand in this and as my day continued, I was SURE God had his hand in it.
I am walking out of that store when I get a text from a woman about some jewelry my daughter is selling to help pay for her choir trip. I am driving home to meet her when I have the thought that I should talk to the lady about the parasite. Now, I truly am sick of talking about it. I just want to feel better and move on with my life.
When the woman shows up, she is a beautiful younger woman about my older daughters age. I think "I can't talk to her about parasites and stool." I chit chat as she is looking through the bag of jewelry and I felt strongly again that I needed to tell her. So, I just casually say something about how weird it is that I was recently diagnosed with this weird parasite and these are some of the symptoms.
She immediately says she is always out of breath. She then hears me tell about the worms in my stool and gets very interested in what they look like. I tell her like "celery" strings. She asks about the color. She finally just comes out and asks me if they look like "Spaghetti squash?" I freak out. That is EXACTLY what they look like. The BEST description yet! I ask how she knows that and she said that since she has been taking her prenatal vitamins, she has been seeing them in her stool. That made me ponder on why. I think that our area is lacking in Zinc, Iodine, Iron and other microminerals in our soil. If her vitamins have some of those items in them, perhaps they are killing off the parasites as I know Zinc and copper have antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties.
Now, I thought that was VERY interesting as two women today told me they also had the sticky thing when wiping so perhaps that is just another weird thing that the worm gets out and starts drying out and gets sticky or something. So weird.
Yesterday and today, I have felt like I needed to take Zinc. I didn't do it yesterday but I did actually take some this morning before my meeting and then again today after she left and I wonder if that is what may be killing off some of hers. She did say that the ones in her stool are about four inches or less as well. She also asked if I thought it could hurt her baby. I told her about the dream I had about some Dr.'s looking at my food as worms were coming out and how an autistic boy drank the water and (there is more but I'll condense it) when I woke, I started thinking that perhaps the boy was trying to tell me that his problem was in the water.... amniotic fluid. Of course it was just a dream and most of my dreams don't come true but as you know I am a dream believer and have "different" types of dreams and the ones that I dream in color and remember, usually have some meaning in my life. Here is a link to a post about why I believe in dreams...
I shared with those I met that Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and diatomaceous earth as well as soaking hands in peroxide help keep them down in numbers until we can get enough people looking at it to find a cure. Please share this post or the videos with anyone you think may have symptoms. We truly do need to start getting people diagnosed so the CDC will look at the problem.
I had another thought that perhaps "morgellons" is actually the same parasite just under a different name as I have been reading a few pages about it and many of the symptoms are the same.
no, this complketely diiferent than morgellons
ReplyDeleteNo it's actually the same. I agree with her. And one day I'll prove it
ReplyDeleteHave you tried oregano oil ? That's supposed to kill parasite's? Also taking quercetin with zinc helps the zinc to absorbed into the body. Putting the pumpkins into water first and don't eat the ones that float they will cause you to bloat.