Oh, I guess I can't say for sure it will be my last as I am sure with the amazing daughters I have, they will raise some brilliant children so I guess I should say, I went to my last child's induction into the National Honor Society this week!
I found out 1/2 hour before it started that we needed to be there at 7 p.m and I was a bit in shock as for all the other girls, we received very formal invitations saying the place and time.
I had been out all day and returned having not eaten all day to find that I had 1/2 hour to get presentable for the evening.
I don't know that I was very presentable but I did my best to snarf down some food so that I didn't pass out due to low blood sugar which tends to be happening more and more. I get faint and feel nauseous if I don't eat regularly so I wasn't feeling all that great anyway.
We arrived on time and the invitation issue was explained as I guess they used an old template for the invitation and half way through printing, the template went back to the original and the second half of the invitations said, a different day in 2013!
Princess got handed a card in the middle of the day in one of her classes saying she needed to be there that night. No other information.
They have now gotten a Jr. High chapter of NHS which our town has never had to my knowledge so most of the girls were only three year members as the 9th grade would be part of the Jr. High chapter so that was something new.
Also, they said that they had over 60+ applications and only had 20 slots for new members. I was taken back but I guess since they are excepting Freshmen, that would up the people.
The group has never been that large but over the past few years, many have become more interested when they realized they got to wear the white NHS collar at graduation.
Princess Three was actually an officer in NHS. I can't remember but Princess One may have been as well. That was a while ago so I don't remember.
They had cupcakes catered and they did look good. As you know, I don't eat gluten but thought about eating a peanut butter cup until I saw that every one of them had a finger print or two on them from where they were put on the cupcake. I decided I would skip the desert after that.
When helping clean up, Princess Five and I decided to have some fun. The video at the top is us killing a few brain cells singing the national anthem on helium gas from the balloons. We both had a good laugh about that. Hope it makes you smile as well!
I am proud of Princess Five being chosen out of about 64 applicants to be one in the 20 that were accepted. She was happy about that as you can see by her smile in the photos.
Here is a link to Princess Three inducting her sister Princess Four into NHS.
Here is a link to Princess Three speaking at graduation with the NHS collar.
Here is a link to Princess Four speaking at graduation wearing her stylish NHS collar as well!
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