Monday, April 13, 2020

What a JOYOUS Easter I Had

I was a bit sad that I thought I wasn't going to see any of my girls this Easter. 

We were going to go camping with my siblings and their families, but that didn't work out due to in house sheltering, and avoiding groups of ten or more because I have a HUGE family. We can't even just get together as siblings as there are 8 of us kids and two parents and step siblings and then all the spouses etc. 

So, I came up with a plan to do some service for the holiday. If you know me, when I was alone for the holidays, when my kids would go to their dad's on every other holiday, I would go do service at the nursing homes by rubbing the patients feet and singing them their favorite carol or hymn. I found that by losing myself in service, I wouldn't feel alone on the holidays. 

I will share about what service I did in tomorrows post, but I wanted to share about my Easer day today that was filled with lots of blessings and love. 

I had a migraine in the night and didn't sleep well due to that, but when the girls group chatted today, I enjoyed being on the call from my dark room and loved getting to see the girls and my grandchildren. They bring so much joy to life and Grand Prince Number 1 always asks me, "Where are you Grammie?" wanting to know where I am sitting in my house. Every call, it is the same. It is usually followed with, "Can I come to your house?" which makes me SO happy! 

I got a call right after that saying that Princess three was coming to visit with her boyfriend whose family is in a town about an hour away. He was going to come camping with us, but when our plans changed, I told her to spend the holiday with him. He had been isolated in a camp where he works on pipelines, so we knew no one in the camp had come into contact with anything, so they were safe to spend the holiday together. 

As a side note, I sent her masks for both of them so if they did need to get gas or anything, they could wear the masks, as I sent them several each. 

I hadn't planned on her coming to visit, but her sister, knowing she may be near home, sent down a carload of totes as she will be moving home after finishing up her bachelors degree in the next few weeks. 

They got here and I had us all wear masks in the house just in case I, or they, were infected, and I touched all the doors etc. so they didn't touch anything. Once they dropped off all the totes, I gave her a few things for people she would be near and I packed all the items in boxes that she didn't touch and could then just dump out on the porches of those getting the items so there wouldn't be any contact with the items. 

She was super sweet buying me some Jr. Mints and I told her they should enjoy them as I am dieting, but she always feels rough coming empty handed. I told her that coming and taking my daily walk with me was such a wonderful gift and surprise, that it was the best gift she could give me. 

She then surprised me by saying she brought sidewalk chalk so they could draw me a little sweet message on my walk. So, they both took time to write some cute messages and pictures on the walk to my door! 

It made my day so sweet getting to visit with them. I wish they could have stayed to eat and visit more as I want to get to know her cute boyfriend better, but I also didn't want them driving at dusk with the deer, and didn't want to take up their time together as they don't get to spend much time together due to his job which is usually working all over the US and other countries in a very specialized field. 

I then got a wonderful few minutes as my Princess Five was able to call for the holiday so we had a lovely group chat and took a few fun pictures. Princess Five said she sang a song for the holiday, and it kind of got lost in the echoes of six cell phones. I was smiling as I hung up and then got online to capture some of the photos the other girls took. It was then that I found that someone posted the song my daughter sang in Spanish today on my social media! I got to hear her sing one of her favorite hymns in Spanish acapella! It was so beautiful! I had tears in my eyes as I enjoyed her talent. 

I got on my blog to post my beautiful day, and when I checked my stats page, I found that I got paid for last months income on my blog ads account and laughed when I saw that the total was $111! 

It was so sweet that I got that little reminder from Heaven that I am loved on Easter! Here is my first post on 111. I had the best Easter. I did miss singing in the choir, taking the sacrament, and seeing all my friends at church, but I really enjoyed this Easter weekend doing service and enjoying the service of others! 

I hope you had a blessed and peaceful Easter Sabbath! 

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