Tuesday, April 28, 2020

NY Boat Club - Two Weeks To Go - Counting Down

Our recent convert Saem always says things such as motivational Monday, and self care Saturday, he always makes us laugh.

This week has probably the hardest one of isolation, but we are still working hard:) we definitely have never been this busy. There are some good things to isolation:)

Here are some of the highlights:

-We had a Spanish Sunday School this week!! It was awesome. Our friend Josie came and she really liked it:):) we also put her on date! We don't know when we are going to be able to have a baptism, the isolation has been extended indefinitely but we are trying for June 21st! She really is doing so much to learn, it's been really cool, she always takes notes in our lessons and marks up her Book of Mormon!

-my comp got a rubix cube and I can now solve it... with the instructions!

-we got a new sink! Our sink was really special. It started leaking really bad so we had to only use the sprayer but we got a new one! Miracles can happen! 

-We finally got ahold of ELSA!! She has been crazy busy during all this because she's a nurse, but she finally had time and we were able to have an INCREDIBLE member with her and one of our less active members, it was seriously amazing! We taught her the Word of Wisdom and Law of Tithing and she accepted it soooooo willingly. I love her so much, and she will be baptized when all this blows over! 

-We went on a drive to the Hudson this week! That was so refreshing! The beach was closed, but we found this cute little dock and we went out to the end and took pictures. It was really nice to get out and do something. We can't go out for much but we are able to get sunshine sometimes. 

That's about all but we are still working hard! 

Hermana Princess Five


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