Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Rain is Falling All Around - Lots Of Rain For Princess Five

On the rooftops, on the ground, and everywhere else, there is so much rain. But it's been really fun. The only difference between an outing and an adventure is the weather.

We were having a door knocking challenge with the sisters serving in our area the other day and our goal was to set up 4 return appointments after an hour of knocking, the first half hour not much happened, no one wanted to answer their doors, and those who did weren't too interested, but we went to a house and a man answered, he looked like he spoke English but it turns out that he is from Spain, we tried to show him a video but it was cutting out and his street was very busy and loud, but he was very kind and said that we could come back next week and share a message with him and his family. We are so excited for that! 

Then a couple houses down, I had a feeling to knock a house that was a little ways off our street and so we went and knocked it, and spontaneously decided to sing a song so we sang "I know that my redeemer lives" and the man who opened the door said that that was just what he needed that day. 

Also we had a lesson this week with our friend Noemi, she is the mom of our ward clerk, and we had planned a lesson about how to better study and understand the scriptures, so we asked her if she had a question, so she asked us how baptism worked. We changed our lesson completely and had a really great lesson about how baptism works and what we wear. She has been invited to be baptized several times by other missionaries and us, but we never stopped to know how much she actually knew.

We are so comfortable with baptism and what it is, that we forget how foreign it is to others. 
But it's just been really rainy and really good, I don't have a lot of time this week but it's been great, I love you all!

Hermana Princess Five

The picture is of weekly planning 

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