Two months ago, I took Princess Five to Bunko with me as they were down a person and needed someone to fill in.
We enjoyed a wonderful meal and Princess won a prize. It was a fourth of July flower decoration. It wasn't something she wanted and I don't decorate much anymore so we figured we could give it away.
Bunko the next month was earlier than normal and it didn't matter which week she did it, there were people on vacations and camps so she had it with 5 or six of us there and we just played a game called "Scum" or "President" and depending on how long you were king or scum, you got points for each round. In the end, I was probably one of the low winners but people didn't want the patriotic door mat she had as the biggest prize so even thought I didn't win, I got the most expensive prize.
I took the door mat back to the store on main street where she purchased it and they gave me $25 in credit. I walked around and since I am not one into collecting things that I need to dust and my house is where I like it, I didn't find much I was interested in getting.
I did find these cool hand made dice that are $12 each. They were sitting in a set of three and I didn't have enough for them all in credit but I really thought they were cute so I purchased the third one so I could have a set of three.
I set them on the little desk and thought they were cute and the next day, I realized that the little patriotic flower was also from the same store and I could have had enough credit for all three dice.
I head back to the store with the flower and ask if he can credit me back for the one die and let me use the flower to pay. He tells me it isn't ok with the boss to have lots of returns which was weird because he was so good with the door mat and it didn't matter much to me but I didn't have enough credit with the flower for much of anything so I asked if they had more dice anywhere so perhaps I could make a candle holder out of another one. He looks on the computer and tells me that somewhere in the store, there are two more. I am running late and don't want to take the time to search the huge store with two floors and another show room. I look over and there is a shelf hanging on the wall to the left of the register and they are tucked away on one of the shelves right there. I tell him I will take one and use the credit I have and pay for the other half of it.
He does that so now I have four huge dice. A day goes buy and the leader for the young women in our congregation at church gives me a gift of a canvas that has a beautiful saying on it but the canvas is warped a little and she said she didn't notice it until she got it home and didn't have time to go replace it.
So, I walk in and he starts laughing. He gave me credit back for the dice I purchased and I bought the last die so I could make two candle holders out of the spare two as I tried stacking them in different ways but they look better with candles on them than stacked high or in other formations as I like the look of three. Funny side note as one of my good friends that is in bunko with me said she went in and bought the same set of three a few weeks prior.
Anyway, while he is figurine out the credits etc, I tell him that it is odd that I have never been in the store and that three times in a week or so seems rather odd. I asked him if he had any health problems as perhaps I was in there to help him in some way. He looked at me like I was from another planet and told me that he has been to three different ear, nose, and throat specialists in the last 3-6 months as he has had strep three times and has been having constant problems with his through, voice, mouth and sinus etc.
I told him about my mothers brain infection and how I used different things to help heal her from that. Here is a link to my page on many of those items.
I shared how her brain infection was perfectly clear after a week or so and shared exactly what I did as she had sinus and goopy eyes as well. Here is a link to that post.
Guess who hasn't been back to that shop in a week or two! lol I think angels guide us where we need to be to help those we need to help when they need it.
This week I had two sisters over for dinner and somehow the conversation went to health as neither can eat gluten or dairy. After talking with them, one seems to have more of a gallbladder problem as her symptoms are more on the fat side of the dairy and the pains are different from the gluten stomach issues. The other, had a really bad yeast infection and didn't know what it was or where it came from and hasn't had it treated so I was able to help them both and then I was at a store the other day and ran into the same lady four or five times.
I picked up these "Keen" shoes as Princess Two has to wear dresses to work everyday and needs good comfortable shoes without a heal to wear to work. These are supportive expensive shoes as I purchased some before the girls missions for them. They are over $100 a pair.
One lady mentioned a card for her daughters blog and gave me a card. I gave her back one of mine that Princess One made for me as I share often about health issues with people and it is easier to send them to my page than explaining it all out and writing it down over and over.
She looks down at my card and gets all excited and said, "You do tapping? I just bought two book on tapping."
I gave her my number sharing that I could help her learn the tapping points as I have them all down. We parted as friends. When I tell my kids about the guy at the decor store, the lady from the dehydrator place etc they just laugh when shaking their heads "no" when I say, "Isn't that weird?" They tell me it happens every day or so. I guess lately, it is quite often but it just seems even more often than is normal for me.
I am not grateful to have gone through all the trials to learn all the stuff I know about but I am grateful for the knowledge that I have from those trials. So, in a way, I guess I am grateful for the trials. I am just hoping I can figure this latest health issue out for myself. Not eating gluten since September has helped me feel better but I am still tired, anemic and often still cold. Twice last week in a ball under my covers freezing for a few hours and it is hot and summer and I don't have air conditioning so the swamp cooler shouldn't get me to that point in July.
I was riding my bike last week with a friend and in her own kind way, she was telling me that I just "Needed" to force myself to do this or that. I shared with her that I used to judge others that way and figured if I was a single mom of five and could do this and that and stay thin, they should be able to as well. Now however, I am grateful if I can get one or two small things off my huge list of things in a week! I no longer feel that there is a standard for getting things done or judge that others may have a messy yard. I told her I fight being exhausted all day with the anemia and thyroid issues but was trying a new drug that week and actually had some energy. How grateful I am for those good days. She told me she actually takes thyroid. So, there you have it. She has more energy because she is getting help with it. I still need to figure it all out but know God will take care of it when I have learned the lesson He wants and needs me to learn.
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