I called the company in the past as I have three other Nesco or American Harvest dehydrators that have broken down and I didn't get rid of them as one is the smaller size and I still have the trays as it is expensive to buy them and I figured if I ever found a used one at a second hand store or someone gave one to me, I would have extra trays.
When I called a few years ago, I think when it was just American Harvest before Nesco aquired the company, they told me that if I sent them in, they would just fix them if I paid shipping so I piled all four of them into the box to ship off and they have been there for a month or two and have been getting moved down on the list as I get things taken off the list.
My sister found these extra add a tray trays that I knew would fit my dehydrator and it as only $2 which is about ten dollars less than at the hardware store so I asked her to get them for me.
She asked me for the model numbers and two of the machines were so old that they were before the Nesco company bought out AH so they don't even fix those anymore. She then told me that one of my machines, the one in the post link above may be under recall. She asked me if it had a grey or silver sticker on it. I told her it didn't and she said my machine was under recall. I asked if I could just take a picture of it and sent it to get a new one and she said it actually had to be sent in as they didn't want the unit out in public. I actually saw a flame in the unit at one point as it burned so hot it melted through the metal heat coil and melted a tray if I remember correctly so I can understand why they would want the unit out of circulation. The model is 1030 and the serial # is P3096. If anyone has this unit, just know if it doesn't have the silver sticker, it is under recall and to call the company. Their phone is listed on the box. If I had sent in the warranty information, they would have notified me that it was under recall but I guess I didn't get online and give them my information which is odd as I usually do that.
Anyway, while I am on the phone, the woman helping me asks if I am one of the "survivalists who stores food." I tell her that I dehydrate things and like to be prepared but I did teach some classes on emergency preparedness and one on "medical" stuff in case there wasn't any medical facilities available. For some reason, I told her about my mothers accident and needing a brain shunt. She said something about that being odd as her husband is looking at getting a new brain shunt as they can't find out what is wrong and have done all sorts of tests and don't know what is wrong.
I shared what I used to heal my mothers brain infection and how the Dr.'s couldn't believe her brain was so clear within two weeks etc. I suggested that she read up, talk with her Dr, and pray about what I shared but told her that it was weird that the dehydrators have been in the box ready to mail for months and that I just happened to get to it on my list right then when her husband was having similar problems.
She was so sweet and I think we both knew that there were "others" guiding that situation as in reality, I should have purchased a new dehydrator by now as I usually use them weekly as you can tell by my dehydrator posts in the past. I have owned more dehydrators than anyone I have ever met and have been doing drying for over 24 years.
Anyway, I thought I would just let you know that if you have that model, call and they will get you a shipping box and pay for the shipping and mail you a new model. I have LOVED this model and was sad when it stopped working. It has been my favorite dehydrator as it was on a timer and I could leave and know it would turn off and I could tell how long it had been drying and everything was digital. I had tons of trays and now I have even a few more! I also loved that the heat is at the top and so the juices etc don't drop onto the heating element and give a burnt smell as some other units.
The woman warned me to never use a dehydrator with less than four trays as it gets too hot so even if they are empty, add the trays to keep the air circulating better.
I'll have to find something new to dehydrate as it has been awhile since I dried much. I love trying out new things. Check out my "dehydrated pickle" post. It is one of my more viewed posts if you can believe that! Here is my youtube video on dehydrating pickles as well.
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