For years, "Someone" crank phone called me. Then, after a few subpoenas and some great investigations on my part, I was able to prove who that "someone" was and get the courts to stop the abuse.
With that in mind, "Someone" then created an email address called "" and started giving out my personal information to solicitors online. "Someone" would put my information in on advertisements and request certain companies to call me and offer me a better mortgage rate, funding to go back to school, etc.

This week however on the anniversary of my divorce, I got the biggest laugh. I laugh every time I think of it.
I got a call a day or two before that was from out of town and we didn't answer it. I guess they left a message as the light on the answering machine was blinking. Most of the time, telemarketers won't leave a message so I don't have many messages on my machine as we answer local calls.
I listen to the message and it is _______ Disability. They leave a message saying that they "received my email requesting help filing for disability and would like to get with me as soon as possible." I think at first it is someone who called the wrong number and am going to ignore it but then I think about how "Someone" always gives me wakeup calls on "Someone's birthday from "" or one of MANY other fun things which I can't go into. So, I think to myself that "Someone" is wanting to remind me of my anniversary.
I call back the company and leave a message. The next day which is my anniversary for my divorce, I call and actually get someone on the phone at the disability company. I ask them if my name is actually in their system or if my number was a mis-dial. She informed me that I was in the system. I asked her if she could give me the information that was given to her on the request email they received from "Someone."

The poor worker was really distressed by the whole thing as most of the telemarketers are when I explain my situation with "Someone" continually using others to try and get to me. Most of the time they are really upset for me but I explain that I don't care, if I get upset, it only gives "Someone" energy and that I truly don't every think about them or the situation and am quite happy so if I got upset, it would only hurt me." They always tell me that is cool that I have that attitude but I could tell this woman was upset that I was so non-caring and laughing about the entire thing. I asked her to please forward me the information so I could enjoy the moment and share it with a few people. I keep a file of things that "Someone" does as I think it would make an interesting book someday.
When I looked at my email junk box later, there were several emails from the company all of which I saved. I think supporting documentation is always important with these things. You never know when things like that will come in handy.
Anyway, I called a few key players in my life who have been through all of the things that "Someone" has done and they laughed along with me. My sister forwarded a few more pictures to me and said perhaps I have "Lay-itus" as well and how I should really try to go for disability and try to get the illness documented. I know several people who have it and I could get a facebook group going...... :-)

I shared this as I know many of you have the same "disability" and for those of you that don't, I thought it may just bring a smile to your face.
I guess "Someone" is reading my blog on a regular basis or otherwise, they wouldn't know what "Sit-itus" even is. I am glad that "Someone" is reading the blog and knows how amazing my Princesses are and what BEAUTIFUL people they have turned out to be even thought sometimes "Someone" may try to hurt them as happens in life! I wish "Someone" all the best that life has to offer as I know Karma has a way of turning on them as what we send out to others, often comes back to haunt us.
At least this time, this event brought a smile to my face and I hope that Karma brings a smile to your face as I send this out with one on mine.
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