She injured her knee tubing behind a boat when we had our exchange student a few summers ago and has never recovered as every so often, her knee will hurt for a few days. I am sure dancing for three hours a day on the dance team didn't help them trying to heal. Before she loses insurance, I figured I had better make sure everything was OK.
She has a similar diagnosis as Princess One had when she returned home a month early from her mission to the Philippines. Here is a post about that.
They (she saw two Dr.'s) said there wasn't much they could do as it was how it was other than taking minerals and wearing custom made corrective arch supports that aren't covered by insurance and are $250. I got the perscription for them and called the Dr.'s office they suggest to make them and he is on vacation but has some in the office we can see and try on before we meet up with him.
His office is on the way home in another town so we meet up with Princess Two and go look at a car my friend is selling as I will need another for Princess Four at college and now Princess Five will be taking her permit test most likely tomorrow.
She didn't want to go out of town with us so she stayed home with her friends and made these sun bandanas with her friends as well as the toffee recipe. (Click here for that)
The car performed amazingly and Princess Two treated for the lunch at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I think she will probably end up getting the car from my friend. It has low miles and is similar to one she already drives.
The physical therapists gave Princess an excersize chart to help strengthen the inner muscles of her knee so the knee caps don't pull outside as they are a bit now.
We left the city and stopped at the foot Dr's office and she tried on the orthotics they had and they didn't have any in her size but I wasn't inspired by what they had to offer for $250. I think she is going to continue wearing the Berkenstocks in the summer but we need to find something for her to wear in the winter as she will be on her feet lots with her job as an ambassador and walking across campus.
Sititus is coming on fast after driving for over 4 hours and running around today. I need to get to bed.
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