I had some car trouble but ended up getting it jump started, got to the auto parts store, the prizes loaded into the car during the rain and ended up having one of the suburban doors close on its own clocking me in the head quite hard while I was loading the car! You would think someone didn't want me to go to the reunion!
Because of all that, we didn't leave until very late arriving in the city of the reunion during the middle of the night. On the way up, we passed two people walking in dark clothes in the rain on the highway. I pulled over and it was two older teen boys. I asked if that was their car broken down and t
he told us they didn't have one and had been walking for hundreds of miles from where someone dropped them off. They had no bags, luggage, food etc. They wore shorts, hoodies and shoes. They asked me for a ride but I had the car packed to the roof. They then asked for water. I gave them waters and all the dried fruit I had just taken off the 12 dehydrator trays. It was about 2 in the morning. I noticed the mile marker and called the police to notify them. I was worried they would be hit it was so dark and they were almost invisable with the rain.
We offered to let them use the phone and they said the person they were going to visit didn't have a phone. They weren't from our state and had no one to call. Because they had no luggage, I asked them where they were sleeping and they told me they hadn't slept. It almost seemed to me as if they were runaways. They were respectful and kind but it was cold and they were wet. They were not anywhere near any towns, cities or even farms.
Because o
f that event, we started talking about how blessed we were to have a car, parents that care, family and friends that are also blessed. Having them share with us and support us.

We talked about how many people don't have any family and no support from others. We also have friends and members of our faith who support us and we could call for help. It was so sad to us that these boys had no one to call.
I think it was a good event to show us what matters the most before we put on our reunions. It made me appreciate what is really important.
Tomorrow, I will share about how we played Bunko and made it work for large numbers. It was a fun day!
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