I have played bunko with my 11 friends for about 16 years. The game is simple and played like bingo. You roll three dice and count each time you roll the number you are on. If I were on one's and kept rolling one's I keep throwing the dice. If I am rolling one's and don't get a one, my turn is over.
If I am rolling for one's and I get three one's it is a
bunko. If I am rolling for one's and I get three of any other number, it is called an extra and counts as five points toward the 21 points needed to win that round otherwise each number rolled counts as one point.

If you roll a bunko, the round ends and you move onto the next number and in the case above, you would now be rolling for twos.
You change partners each round. Usually, winners move and losers change places so that you have a new partner each time. There are four people in each group of three dice. You are partners with the person diagonally across from you. Points are scored between you and your partner. Whichever partner group gets to 21 points first, ends the game for the whole room.
You then mark on your score sheet either a W if you won, a L if you lost or a WB if you rolled a bunko. Occasionally, someone will roll a bunko on the first roll before the other players on the table have had a chance to roll. Each person on the table needs to have at least one roll for the game to end.
If the teams end
up with a tie, each of the four players in that group have a roll off and get to roll the dice for one more roll each. Whichever team gets the most points during the roll off, wins that round for that table. If someone has called a bunko already and there is a roll off and someone rolls a bunko during that roll off, they also get a bunko. However, if someone after them also rolls a bunko in the same roll off, they will mark their sheet with a LB for loser and bunko. It is rare but it has happened a few times.

Also, if you roll a bunko, you can keep rolling the dice as long as you get the number for which round you are on. For example, you are rolling for twos and roll a bunko for that round which would be three twos. You call the game for the room and then you can keep rolling as long as you keep getting twos. There have been a few times when someone has rolled two bunkos in the same roll. You mark your sheet with a WBB at that point.
When playing with my friends, we have 6 prizes. M
ost bunkos, Most wins, Second most wins, Evens (same number of wins as loses), extras, and losses.
Each time you roll the dice and get three of the same number but not a bunko, you make a mark on the score sheet showing you got one extra. At the end of the game, you count up your extra's.
If there are two people with the same amount of bunkos, wins etc, they roll off with one dice and whoever has the highest number on the dice, wins the prize.
Those are the basic rules for Bunko. It isn't very difficult but as you can see by the photos, people have fun playing it. My uncle had all wins and my nephew had all losses. The great thing with normal bunko is that there is a prize for the biggest loser!
I will have to wait until tomorrow to tell you how I scored the group bunko. I had to try a few ways to figure out how to make it work with a large group but it did work and was fun for all.
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