we were at the fair, we decided to watch a BMX show. We didn't know that the show would happen while we were there but it looked fun so we went and watched it before the hypnotist show. I have never been to an extreme BMX show. Having all girls, it isn't something I would purchase tickets to see.
While at the rodeo a few years years ago we saw
motorcycles doing a similar thing. It was amazing to watch.... It made your lower jaw drop to see the bikes in the air doing loops, flips and flying without riders through the air.
However, the thing that made me literally fall on my backside in amazement
was, while taking snow boarding lessons one year. I stopped mid run because at the bottom of the run, there were snowmobiles doing back flips!!! I haven't ever seen something like that live before. It was incredible. I actually fell on the ice at that point really hard and have never quite been the same! :-)
We cheered with the crowd at the fair letting the gro
up know that we enjoyed their "monster" sponsored show. I enjoyed getting some new actions shots that I can enter into the photography section of the fair next year! The problem is that I take so many pictures that by this time next year, these shots will probably be forgotten! Oh well, it was fun just watching the show and being awed by the talent! Yes, the snow mobiles and the motorcycles were cool but this was all powered by humans. To get that type of momentum and power by the human body is true talent.
I also have to mention how amazing the bikers were. T
hey talked about being drug free and how you have to wear safety equipment and how important it is to be safe in all areas of life.
My favorite shot was as I was coming out of the exhibit hall looking for one of my children and I saw this shot
in the parking lot. It is my nephew getting a "high five" from one of the bikers. My nephew races BMX and has all sisters so for him to meet a drug free, talented BMX racer was awesome to him. The fact that they are a good role model was a blessing in his life. He is at the age where he is looking for guys to emulate and "be cool." I want to thank that group of guys for coming to our fair and sharing their talent with our little community! My sister got their emails so we could send them copies of our pictures and I will invite them to see this post!

Keep up the good work guys!
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