He is forever grilling his grandchildren with math questions, and sharing tricks on how to remember different problems and solutions in math. I laughed when my girls were talking with their cousins about it and all just smiled thinking back how Grandpa would give them different questions to answer.
He also likes to use incentives to help the children remember and memorize things and money speaks with children.

I remember one time when I was having a difficult time with something and he asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was about 14, and I jokingly said, "A Brain Surgeon!" and he didn't laugh. He asked me what goals I would need to set currently in order to make that dream a reality. I thought he would laugh and tell me I was being silly, but that moment has forever remained in my head because I KNEW at the moment, that my dad KNEW I could actually become a brain surgeon!
I have always wanted to be a nurse since my childhood hospitalizations, so when my former spouse asked my father for my hand in marriage, he made us both promise that I would get my degree if I got married so young.
I LOVED that my father cared enough about me and my self esteem, and being aware that I may at some point need to support myself or my family, that he made us promise I would finish school.
I had two girls and was pregnant for my third when I took my nursing boards and finally got my nursing degree!

He continues to give his grandchildren advice on their studies and suggests masters degrees or higher as he has a PHD. He believes each person should get as much education as they can in life. He has at least 25 grand-children that have already gotten at least an associates degree, with most having bachelors degrees and a few went on to higher their education. Most of his children got at least some college, many finishing with a few Masters degrees in the mix.

I would be amiss if I didn't also include a tidbit in here about his wife. She isn't my mother by birth, but has been in my girls lives as long as most of them can remember. She is SO supportive and helpful, and my father is a better father and grand-father because SHE is so amazing and is the perfect match for him! They can do so much more together for our family. I see her and think I need to find myself someone like her to marry as she brought so much to our family. I can't imagine our life without her in it!
I want to mention my Son-in-law here as well. He is SUCH a good father and does more for his children than any other father I have seen. He reads each night to the kids before bed for their entire lives. He plays with them constantly and is forever teaching them. I am grateful for Princess One picking such a good example of a worthy and loving father for my other girls to follow.
I am truly blessed with many good examples of fathers in my life! Have a Blessed Day!
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