Here is a link to a post about that.
Here is a link to a post about me trimming the tree and leaving a large branch to save baby birds in the nest!
Here is a link to a post where I knocked down a nest off the house that had newly hatched birds in the nest, which I will always regret!
I have several other posts about birds which you can search in the bar at the bottom of the page if you are interested.
So, this was a bit of a new situation as the nest is where we can easily see it and it is just over the sidewalk where people walk or ride bikes regularly. I keep those front trees trimmed very low so the nest is within reach and I could reach into the nest and remove the eggs without a ladder or stool.
I wish it had made the nest on the other side of the tree so it wouldn't be so exposed as it is clearly seen as well. Usually, they are hidden in the branches more. It will be fun for us to be able to watch the progress of the eggs as we walk past the nest nightly on our walks, but probably not as fun for the momma bird as she was a bit protective today when we walked under the tree.
We will have to keep our distance when the eggs hatch as I have been attacked by momma birds in the past when I was pruning trees when I got close to the nest while working. It will be interesting to see what we can see without causing trauma.
I love having my girls down for a few days while Princess Two's car is in the shop getting her A/C repaired. We have been having fun mixing work and fun together. I think it will be hard for me to have all of them leave in the next few month when school is starting.
It has been a blessing having them home! Have a blessed and safe day!
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