Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fourth of July with a New York Skyline Backdrop - Princess Five Mission Update

 This week was wild!

On Monday night we got a call saying that we were housing another sister for the night who was on her way to Macedonia, sister Mighan, she arrived around 11:30 got her settled in. She left right after district council the next day, it was really fun, but we did not get too much sleep that night!

This week we had a wonderful lesson with our good friend Edgar, and our friend Erica and her kids! We are hoping and praying that they can come to church next week.

For Independence day we were given special permission to stay out until 10:30 and watch fire works if we were invited to do so. The married missionaries have an incredible view of the New York skyline, so they invited our whole zone to go to their apartment and we were able to watch the Kearny fireworks as well as the New York fire works it was especially cool because they lit up the sky behind the skyline, so we could see the buildings outlined in front of the fireworks if that makes sense.

Also this week, I was able to return to my first area in PATERSON on exchanges with the wonderful Hermana "In Charge!" It was crazy and so much fun! It's an entirely different place in the summer! We went and contacted at the waterfalls! I was able to see one of the members, had some wonderful lessons, great contacts, and we went and had some patacon! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to go back!

Love you all!
Hermana Princess Five

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