Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Another Year Older - Princess Five's Birthday Week on Her Mission

This week was so fun, I don't have much time though so you get bullet points this week!

We tried contacting a woman, but she didn't have the time, so we set an appointment for the next day. The appointment actually went through! The lesson was so good! And, she actually understood for the most part and hung onto every word of the restoration. We had another lesson with her later in the week, but she rescheduled so her husband could be there for it!

•We were able to meet with our friend Roger and his family! We haven't seen him in over a month, but the lesson was incredible! We have another appointment with them next week! After the lesson, the member we had with us for the lesson took us out for ice-cream

•a woman told us in a street contact that we were now her children... sorry mom

•during a contact, a sucker poked out of my bag, and the 17 year old we were contacting asked if he could have it.

•during English class we took 5 minutes saying the words, "Jews, Juice, and Shoes" so they could hear the pronunciation, and it was really funny!

•before English class we waited outside in the rain for an hour waiting for our bus that never came. So we got a ride from one of our wonderful married couples. We are so blessed!

• we went to Ellis Island this week and there were a ton of members from our religion there for a concert they were having at Carnegie Hall.

It was a wonderful week, thank you all for the Birthday wishes, les quiero mucho!

Hermana  Princess Five

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