Tuesday, June 4, 2019

An Hour Long Call To Princess Five in NJ

I got a call today from my Beautiful Princess Five. Her latest companion will most likely be leaving next week and she will get someone new. She mentioned not getting emails this week which made me sad. I wrote her last Tuesday and last night but they were just notes. I think since we get to visit on the phone now, she isn't getting as much mail. I asked her sisters to each take a day and write her but they get busy.

I think that in their mind, they think that others are writing her on their days so instead of writing when the felt they had a minute, they were assuming that she was getting contact from the family each day. In the end, my plan backfired and she hasn't been getting as much email as she had before.

I myself am guilty of that thinking that I only needed to write on my "day" thinking the others were writing and that I would talk to her on her preparation day.

I know she is in a VERY difficult area. She can't drink the water as it isn't safe. It is the ONLY non-car area of the entire mission for the Spanish Speaking female missionaries which means she is walking in the rain and humidity for three or more miles daily. This has caused some issues with her feet, but she is dealing and bought some new goulashes last week.  And lastly, she has a companion that doesn't speak Spanish any better than she does so they have a difficult time communicating with the people they meet and most people that do speak Spanish want to practice their English so only talk to them in English.

The problem in that situation lies in the fact that there are 2 English speaking sister (female) missionaries in the area as well, so if the people speak English, they are taught by the English speaking missionaries.

She said their dryer broke and the have been playing tag between the owner and the couple over the missionaries well being. The owner didn't provide the dryer, but the couple can't install and new dryer because the shut off valve to the gas line in the home is broken off. The couple don't dare unhook the old dryer and install the new one until the apartment owner repairs the gas line, so they have been hanging all their clothes in the apartment to dry. It is so humid that it is making the apartment into a sauna as it is hot and they only have one fan which moves the hot moist air around the apartment making it feel like they are in a dryer!

I think she is doing "OK" and her wart that was bothering her on the bottom of her toe has been cured by using Oregano oil on it for the past month or two each night with a band-aid on it, so that is a happy.

Here is her latest email:

"Hello to all my wonderful friends! This week we were walking down the street and a man gave us both free mangos.
We went and visited a member in the hospital this week, he was very sweet. We sang "I Stand All Amazed" for him. It was fun, and one of my favorite kinds of service. We also were able to help with our wards English class this week! We mostly just help with pronunciation. The English language is a little ridiculous, but you never really realize it until you try to explain it to someone.
Our friend Moises came to church this week! He came late so he didn't get to go to sacrament meeting, but the part he did come to, he loved! And, he's hoping to come again next week!

We also had a really cool experience where we were planning on knocking a certain street but as we were walking we had a feeling to knock a different street. The first and last door we knocked we set solid return appointments and mostly everyone in between was really nice, and was willing to listen, or let us know they weren't.
But that's really all for this week not much happened.
Hermana Princess Five"

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