Everyone was right. The days here are long but the weeks here are way too short.
Some fun things happened this week. I was sitting in a devotional on Sunday we were singing the opening song, when a giant mosquito or bug which was half the size of my small himnos, flew into the page it so scary and happened so fast. So naturally, I threw my himnos across the room, and started laughing/ crying because it was so funny/ terrifying. Luckily only the people in the front two rows and President Bennett and hermana Bennett noticed, but they were all really confused. Then on Monday my companion and I were being pretend investigators so some elders could practice. And as we let them into the room, a mouse decided he didn't want to hear their message so it scurried out. I was the first one to see it, so the four of us chased it down the hall where it ran into the girls bathroom. We checked to make sure no one was in there then our district leader went in and caught it, and then we gave it to a worker.
This week the Haitians returned to their country to serve, we sang "God be with you till we meet again" with them at our last zone meeting.
Another funny thing that happened this week, my morning teacher was on the bus on her way to the CCM and the zipper broke on her skirt, so long story short she had an hour on the bus before she got to work, and so she twisted her skirt around and weaved the wire from a notebook though her skirt to keep it up and then wore her cardigan all day, and nobody noticed. And then the next day she bought all the Hermanas in our district bueno bars, which are like super yummy hazelnut KitKat.
My beautiful friend Hermana (friend from school) from my home town left this week, I´m going to miss her, but it was so nice to have a familiar face here for the last two weeks. Speaking of familiar faces. Last week I walked past an Elder who was whistling a song from Fiddler on the Roof, so I commented on it, then he told me that I looked really familiar so we went back and forth trying to figure out how, but silly me didn't look at his name tag until after we had a whole conversation. His name was Elder (family used to be aunts neighbor), he used to be my cousins' neighbor and last time we saw each other we were like nine. There is a picture of us below. A similar thing happened on the bus to the temple last week and then after a lot of detective work, we found out that he was in one of my favorite youth conference groups when I worked at (College name) Fun this summer. So, the world just continues to get smaller.
I accidentally wore my companions tag this week. Out district enjoys joking about whether the food is tasting better, or if our standards are being lowered.
For our service activity this week, we went to the laundry facility and I learned how to fold a fitted sheet. The man teaching us spoke no English but was so cute trying to teach us. It was surprisingly fun.
I had a strange experience this week.

We have an activity called "book of Mormon share," where we all share a scripture on a certain topic. Normally, our teachers lead the discussion but this time they were going to ask one of us to lead it. As Hermana (group leader) was looking on the computer at all of our pictures for someone to conduct it, in my head I said "of course I'll do it." Not like I was volunteering, but like I was responding to a question. Then right after, she asked me if I would lead it. I think it went pretty well. My companion said it went well. But either way, I enjoyed it, and learned from it.
I really love it here!! It´s so beautiful and warm, which will make heading to New Jersey in the dead of winter a little harder.😅 My testimony is strengthened everyday, along with my patience, porque aprendando español es difícil, pero I know that if I work hard, and with the help of God, I will eventually get the hang of it.
Les Amo! Dios les ama!
Hermana Princess Five