Princess Five has a fun group of friends. She had lots of them want to be in a group with her for the first girls choice dance of the year. They had to cut it down some but made it fun for the ones that did go with her.

She wasn't sure who she wanted to go with but didn't want it to be really serious so she thought she would ask someone who was new to dating and that she knew somewhat.
Her date is on the yearbook committee so he is always walking around with a camera so she decided to go with a "camera" theme to ask him.
She planned her date with her friends. I found these black sweat shirts for a deal so they were able to make their "shirts" for $12 a couple. Let me just say that Princess Four paid $60 or more for her two shirts last year.
They had her friends mom make all the wording with vinyl and they spent an evening putting all the names on the back, colored names on the arms and some cute words on the front of each sweatshirt.
I have never seen so many customs / traditions as they have here in this town but you ask the guy, make shirts for the dance, plan a date and then go to the dance, oh, and eat as well. To see the "Jr Prom" traditions, check out this post.
She called his mom before asking him to ask his mother if she could ask him on the date and he is the oldest in the family so the mom hasn't had any experience with this towns traditions so she wasn't sure what to do with that and asked my daughter if she was supposed to tell her son and wondered why she was asking the mom over the son.
Princess explained that usually, the person asking calls the parents to make sure no one else is planning on asking already so that they don't go to all that trouble of asking if they are already going to the dance.
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