We were visiting my sister in another city over the holidays and here we are at 1-1-11 at 1:11. We are looking tired but happy.
I picked my girls up on 1-1-11 from the airport after they visited their dad. We were discussing some issues they were having regarding their visit and after talking it over, we decided to have a family fast. So, today, we fasted and prayed together with those issues in mind.
While I was still fasting, I attended a singles church meeting in the city we were visiting. The speaker got up and related this story which gave me the answer I needed for our fast.
He said, "A friend of mine is high up in the church I used to attend. I ran into him last week and asked him, “How are you?” the man said “Fine.” I said, "No, really, how are YOU?” the man said, “Do you really want to know?” he answered the man, “Yes.”
The man then recited this story. "My oldest son just had surgery on bladder cancer and we don’t know that he will make it. My second oldest is the daughter you know, she has an inoperable brain tumor and they give her six months to live. My third child, a son just had surgery on his face to remove skin cancer and is having self esteem issues due to scaring. My fourth child is a son and he has left the church and us and hardly has any contact with us and is very bitter.
My fifth is a daughter who needs knee surgery for a tumor on her knee but they can’t do it because she is pregnant with twins. This week she found out that one of the twins died and the other is having problems with the placenta and they are hoping the baby will make it to February when they can deliver it early. I just found a tumor on myself but am scared to go to the Dr. for fear of what they will find.
However, I am at peace and know that Christ is my Savior. Remember, that Christ is called “The Prince of Peace” for a reason and I am at peace knowing that.” That is how the man left it with his friend.
Wow, how can one complain about anything
after a story like that?! I immediately changed the prayer in my heart to gratitude that all I have to deal with is issues with my ex. My kids are healthy and I have a home etc. It really makes you take notice of your life when you hear about people like that.
This wasn't what I had planned to blog on today but I was so touched by that family and their faith and trials that I wanted to share it with you.
I pray that in this new year of "One"derful one's that we all give gratitude for what we have.
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