Sorry this post is a few minutes late. I pulled an all nighter that wasn't intentional working on this quilt. I wanted to finish the sewing so my daughter could cut the edges to fray them for the "ragged edge" look quilt while we were driving the three hour drive to a meeting in a larger city. I thought it would take and hour or two....
Who could have guessed I would go through three different sewing machines, totally ruin a new one, break 4 needles and stay up all night just to sew a few squares together!
I learned much in making this quilt and would NOT do it
the same way again. Live and Learn. I wish I spent a few minutes reading up online before starting the quilt. My problem was that I started it and then read all the issues people had while making theirs. I made some of the same mistakes as other but created a few new ones. I will post about that when I get the quilt finished.
Here are some photos of how it looks sewn together. Now we need to cut, wash, dry and pray that it looks cute after all those hours and hours of work. It does look cute and will look even cuter when the fraying is done.
My oldest hasn't gotten up yet but her sisters thought it was cute before they left for school. Hope to have it done and posted on Monday.
I made five of these quilts so if you are reading this, please type in hand print quilt in the search at the bottom to see how I learned to make it more quickly and easy. There will be many posts on the others I made.