Friday, January 8, 2021

A Little Tired and Sad But a Bit "Happy" As Well

 I got some sad new today, and found out that a friend of mine has one of the most fatal types of cancer. I was able to drop off a little gift to her with a small amount of cash for her "go fund me" and a treat. 

I have heard of two people this week being diagnosed with this same cancer which makes me sad. Another friend who is quite old just got diagnosed with Covid and has had his share of other health issues. 

I also called and visited with yet another friend who has been battling cancer for MANY years and is still fighting with all she has to try and beat this situation. 

I have been really tired and have spent over three hours trying to post and just keep falling asleep so decided to post a short share on this. 

Princess Two has been really sweet to make sure I have my favorite perfume on hand every year. Whenever my supply gets low, she purchases me another bottle. This year, she splurged on the large bottle! You can see the difference between the large bottle she usually gets me, and she got the largest available this year! She not only got me the larger jar, she got the gift set with lotion, cream, travel bottle, and lip gloss as well as the largest jar of perfume! 

So even with all those sad situations in my day, I found myself being "Happy" each time I got a whiff of my favorite perfume! I thanked Princess Two for her generosity in getting me the perfume and for splurging on the largest bottle. It isn't a cheap perfume so I really appreciate her making sure I am always smelling good and "HAPPY" smelling as well! 

I enjoy "Happy" and "Happy Heart" scents. Which perfume is your favorite? 

Have a blessed day!

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