This is a link to an article and has the actual pictures and breakdown of the worms found in Japan which are a type of Horsehair worm, and mentions other cases of Gordian worms found in humans and mentions other people with them in the urine, anus and other areas.
This article states "They were identified as Parachordodes sp. (Nematomorpha: Chordodidae) based on the characteristic morphologies of cross sections and areoles in the cuticle. DNA analysis on 18S rRNA partial sequence arrangements was also carried out and both worms were assumed to be close to the genus Paragordionus based on tree analysis, and far from Gordius sp. which has already been reported in humans in Japan."
This last sentence is interesting to me as my case was diagnosed "Gordian worm" but maybe not the same genus as this sentence states those two cases weren't "Gordius" shown here. "A postcloacal crescentic fold (cuticular ridge) was not present, which meant that these 2 human specimens did not belong to the genus Gordius." These two worms were darker in color than my worm, so perhaps the "Gordian" type are the off-white opaque worm I keep finding.
And, this is interesting that there are more cases listed here stating 13 actual diagnosis's shown here, "Records of human accidental parasitism with Parachordodes, Paragordius, or Gordius are uncommon in the literature, although many have been identified in different parts of the world from specimens recovered from the mouth, urethra, and anus [3-6]. Six human cases of Gordius sp. have been reported in Japan [7,8]. In these cases, worms were vomited and excreted in the feces and from anus. A human case of a Gordius worm found in the vomitus and another case of a Parachordodes worm found in the urinary system have also been reported in Korea"
Interestingly enough, Princess Four is in Japan serving as a missionary and her last two companions became depressed and suicidal. I believe that these parasites are rampant in some parts of the world and that it is causing the depression and suicide problems. I think there are "hot spots" in soil where the watery fruits and veggies, such as cucumber and watermelon, that are not cooked before being eaten, get infected from contaminated soil and are causing a epidemics of this parasite throughout the world in specific areas. Japans issue may also that they eat raw fish and this parasite is a "water parasite" as it gets its host to kill itself using water!" Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and most of these diagnosed cases of this parasite are in Japan!
Also, in researching suicide rates for the US, I found the most alarming rates. Women age 30 to 64 suicide rates increased 30% in ten years in the US and for women ages 60-64, it has increased 60%!!!!! And men in their 50's which is where I am at now age wise, the suicide rates increased 50%!
Here is a link and the actual quotes from this wiki site about US suicide rates!
"From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among American ages 35 to 64 increased nearly 30 percent. The largest increases were among men in their fifties, with rates rising nearly 50 percent, to 30 per 100,000. For women aged 60 to 64, rates rose 60 percent, to 7.0 per 100,000.[5] In 2008, it was observed that U.S. suicide rates, particularly among middle-aged white women, had increased, although the causes were unclear."
I believe the "causes" they mention are that the women are preparing and cooking the food and many times, the person growing the tomatoes, cucumbers and melons at home and they are more likely to have cats and small dogs. They are more likely to pet or sleep with the animals more than men, as well as cleaning the litter boxes of these pets. It may also have something to do with going barefoot or gardening without gloves as this parasite has all the same symptoms of hook worm and thread worm which both burrow into the skin etc.
Here is a link to suicide rates per country. I believe they will eventually find that desert countries without iodine, iron, zinc, copper etc in the soil will have the largest infestations which causes higher suicide rates and then costal countries that may not eat as much healthy food as they used to consume or consumes raw fish, and thus the parasite takes hold and then doesn't die off as they aren't getting the minerals that would normally kill off the parasite in the body because they are eating more of a "western" diet high in carbs which causes an acidic environment in the body where parasites can thrive.
I believe that some northern countries have high suicide rates due to low Vitamin D which is also found to promote depression. I read one study saying that 90% of depressed people tested had a low Vitamin D level. Most people, back in the day, had to work the land and would get adequate amounts of D from the sun. We now live inside and most of us don't work outside for much time and thus, lower vitamin D levels.
Truly, I pray that Science catches up quickly on this. We need to stop the Suicide Epidemic which I believe is truly a "Horsehair Nematomopha" epidemic!
Have a Blessed Day!
Tejae... it's been some time since I've written, but I do get your videos each time. I have not been able to figure out how to write on the YouTube account, I've been positive I have the same as you since I first found your site over a year ago, with all the same symptoms and see many others as well. I have made an incredible discovery that I believe answers a lot. I have agrobacterium. I'm sure of it, but have not had my doctor's appointment yet .We'll see if he does anything... but I'm sure I have proof if anyone will test it. It's connected to discoveries made in morgellians also. It could very much answer why none of the many medicines and treatments have healed can cause things to quickly morph into different forms. If you research this thoroughly, especially in humans, you'll quickly see what I mean. I've also found I'm infected with midges and many other people are and have moving hair like myself. I think it's from genetic tampering especially with cotten. Somehow the midges are making filarial in and on people. You are exactly right that this is causing the increased suicide and autism and mass shootings as well. I breathe eucalyptus every night for lungs..someti som lavender . I use lots of peppermint and spearmint oils and thieves and insect repellent oils. Drinking Ozone water is a huge help and have had huge help for lungs if I drink several glasses. God bless.
ReplyDeleteHello Maria, yes, I remember you... I pray that the Dr. will test and find something and that you can prove your theory! I have been trying a few things myself and will hopefully be able to post about them and pray that it may be a cure or at least help in some way. I use many of the same oils and do also believe they may be I the raw cheap cotton products like q-tips and cotton balls and then get into the body that way due to the ones I had on the q-tip and since. Please let me know what you discover. I do believe that the horsehair worm moves just under the skin and can make the hair move as I feel it so perhaps it is the horsehair worm in many stages along with a filarial parasite as well. Lets pray that science will catch up soon and we can move forward. Keep up the good work! Have a Blessed Day. Tejae
DeleteThe exact samething is happening in tasmania australia. Also the morgellons connection. If you have a cat -toxocara will join the group and reck havoc. I worked it out also only for the meds say im crazy. I have heaps of footage vid and photos. Also certain fibers come together and twist like shistosomes then peirce the skin and develops into anything. Shape changer. Now thats engineered. Four months off work feel near dead and want out.
ReplyDeleteOnce it gets hold you are open to all parasites. As your immune system to parasites is shut down. Im running on four atm. Shisto, hairworm, f.buski, plus dog tapeworm. Tried all meds to near overdose rate to no effect. Albendazole was the only i could not get my hands on. It was otc five bucks a box two years ago and now the government got it at 440 usd a pill? But there's more only one company has the license...i wonder who owns that already dead. And it killed my dog, the vet said straight up no parasite you must be imaging it.. hah i handed it one same answer. I was like wtf?
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I can only share that I have tried the albendazole with its crazy cost per pill and it didn't work for me and caused my hair to fall out and my liver is really not doing well as it is hard on the liver. I am sorry about your loss with your dog. That isn't ever easy. I will keep searching for a cure and post anything I try or find. I wish you well and hope you have a blessed day!