Princess Five started college this past semester and as all freshmen, there is a bit of apprehension involved in getting involved in clubs, groups, etc. A perfect example of that is the movie "Pitch Perfect."

She LOVES to perform so I encouraged her to try out for the first play of the season. She went back and forth about trying out for the play but I always say "You know you won't make it if you don't try it out."
She tried out and was really happy to be called back. There were 30 girls who tried out for the play and she was one of 8 that made it to callbacks. She was SO happy to call me and tell me she made it as one of the three girls in the play.
There was only a month to practice and learn lines before the did the play. It is such a stressful time the first semester as you are getting used to the way college runs. The teachers are all so unique and have different expectations.
She started working for the first time in her life, she got the lead and I was impressed that she could get it all done without feeling overloaded. She had to meet new roommates and getting used to sharing a room with a stranger, sharing an apartment with 7 other girls and being on her own for cooking, cleaning, and doing her own shopping and laundry etc.
I wanted to get her something more than flowers for the play and pondered on what to do.
I found this really cute locket type necklace in real silver with a real silver chain and thought that she could put a small memento from this and other plays into the heart locket to remember to "follow her heart" and to do things that make her have "Joy" so imagine my joy when I found a card that said, "Follow your heart" on the front and "Do things that make you have joy" on the inside! It was perfect to go along with the silver locket. I also got her some yummy Dove treats which I am sure she enjoyed!
Princess Three and Two came down to see the play and spend the weekend. It was wonderful that they were able to get the time off to be able to support her. I know it meant a lot to her as she mentioned that one of the other girls had 9 siblings and they all came to watch her.
There was no photography or video taping allowed so I snapped a picture of the set before it started but was sad that I wasn't able to get a video of her cute costume and acting on stage.
It wasn't a musical and it wasn't a play I have ever heard of, but it was a comedy and she had some really cute lines which made us laugh. The best part for me was that she had this really cute English accent. She carried it off super well and it didn't drop as the play went on as some of the other actors did.
When it was over, they allowed them into the hall to visit with people and she was so cute being adored by many. It really wasn't a play for kids but there were two little girls that asked if they could get a picture with her and I asked the mother if I could post a picture on my blog and she agreed so that was fun.
She said that another day, a little girl asked for her autograph. A few days after the play was over, there were a few college students that acted like she was super famous when they saw her and asked if she was in the play. They asked if they could take pictures with her and told her they loved her in the play and were hoping to get to meet her.
On the first night, she had a few people tell her that she was their favorite actor in the play and really thought she did a great job.
There was a post on one of the "crush" boards saying that "Ida" had such a cute accent and he wished he could meet her in real life and go on a "semi" blind date with her and if anyone knew who played her in the play, if they could hook him up!
She thought that was flattering and even with just that little bit of attention, I can't imagine what is would be like being really famous where you can't go anywhere without people treating you that way.
She chose not to try out for the next play as she didn't want to get stressed out as she is struggling with one of her classes and is trying hard in that class and also is still working but wanted to try out for a musical they are doing before Christmas so I was proud of her decision to skip the next play and focus on what she really wants.
Tryouts for the Christmas Musical parts are this week so we are hopeful she will get a part in that and then next semester, they are doing, "Into the Woods" so we are hopeful she can participate in that as she already has a great "Cinderella" costume from musical theater a few years back. Here is a link to that post. She also knows the main song and blocking so it would be a breeze for her if she can get the part. Keep your fingers crossed!
Have a Blessed Day!
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