HELLO! HELLO! HELLO HOW ARE YOU!? I'm fine. I'm fine. I hope you are, too!
Some good ole miracles of the week...
Some good ole miracles of the week...
The members here are so nice! The bishops wife brought one of her English students to conference. I talked to her about the plan of salvation after she told me her older sister was dead when she was born. Her family name her Inori. AKA prayer in Japanese. She was awesome. I also explained to her that her name Miiku, pronounced Meek, was awesome, and that being Meek is a good thing! She could only stay for one talk, and it just so happened to be the talk where being meek was mentioned a TON!! We gave her English and Japanese Book of Mormons, and the bishops wife gave her pamphlets. SO AWESOME!!!
One family fed us after the women and priesthood session, (because here we watch them on the Saturday after the first two sessions) then proceeded to drive our investigator home, then drove us to see a less active member who we are focusing on.... all in kind of far places. They are angels! The mom in the family sat with me in the English session because she is just that nice!! Then we saw 3 foxes, and they gave us all the leftovers from dinner. It was a very eventful day!
So the title of my email is also a SUPER funny story. Brother Friend was like, I'm going to teach you some correct Japanese. So he was saying stuff, and at one point he called me Beppin San. Beppin means gorgeous, or stunning and San is kind of like Mr. of Mrs. but just a person. Its Kansai Ben. And Yagi choro was like w-w-w-w-w-wait. Benpi san?..... Benpi means constipation.. So we all got a laugh out of that!!!
M companion is the cutest. We work so hard. We don't come home all day sometimes. I love her!! She also helps my Japanese rather than just re translating things for me, so that is a party! And she says the cutest things in English! She is crazy and I love her!
Remember to look over the things you learned during conference. I cant really pick a favorite, but I LOVED the one given about the Book of Mormon by Tad R. Callister! Wow, does the BOM have power or WHAT!? I hope you are all choosing happiness!
An old lady we stopped on the Street carrying a garden hoe shared SOOOO much food from one of her four very large gardens... We will visit her soon!
Mochi ice-cream!! In a sandwich!
We don't take pictures except when we are eating.. sorry!!
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