If you remember months ago when my mother was living with me, my sweet sister would "mom sit" for me when I needed to be a mom to my own daughter.
A few weeks later, I pulled out the ice maker bucket from my freezer and found a note beneath the ice maker bucket! I called my sister laughing and she said she just set it on the ice cream but somehow, it must have fallen down. It gave me a great laugh and smile to find those notes so far beyond when they were hidden.
We went there a few years back and my mother had purchased this painting there many years before when she visited so she wanted me to have it since I took her back to see it one last time. Here is a link to a post about that. The trip was a whirlwind tour and we were only in the country about 48 hours but I did get to see that clock and a few other places so it does bring back memories for me.
As I lifted the picture to take the top off the wood box, a little note fell, it was a note from my mom thanking me for taking her on one last trip. It was her last trip anywhere out of state and I know she enjoyed showing me some places of her past. It brought tears to my eyes finding the note and tears are flowing now as I type this post.
I finished going through all the music and had so many memories flood back as I found copies of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Cats in the Cradle," "High Hopes," "Memories" and a few other songs that had meaning to my family as my mother would sing them to us and we would sing them while traveling in the car when we couldn't get radio and before tape players. I found all her copies of those songs and put them all in a folder with the history of each so my girls would know about them. I am hoping that by documenting my stuff now, and putting labels on everything with the history of it, my girls won't have the same situation I did. There is so much stuff I still have to go through.
I was able to get rid of many of the girls easy piano books and some recorders and "how to" books so that was nice being able to take out more than I put in was great! I did find a "Moon River" sheet music that I thought would look cool framed so I pulled it out for Princess Two as she likes Audrey Hepburn so I'll let her check it out when she comes home next but all the other stuff is in the "get rid of" pile! I am getting quite the pile of stuff to get rid of and hope that in the next few weeks, I will be able to get more and more as I need to clean out to store stuff for Princess Four who is planning on going out as missionary soon so I will need to store her apartment full of stuff. I really want to clean out my garage and put stuff for them in sections so each can easily get to her stored stuff as I don't see any of them getting a home any time soon.
I am so grateful to my sister for her sweet idea to write notes and to my mother who put so much thought into her notes and just when I could use a little pick me up, I found it. I miss you mom!
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