I took a pattern that I used for Princess Three's homecoming dress and decided to try and make a similar one for Princess Five's dress.
Here is a link to the jacket I made for Princess Three's dress.
We got two different fabrics and the jacket is actually made out of the two fabrics layered. One is a satin and is a light grey and the second is a chiffon in shiny light grey. The pearls on the front of the dress are a bit grey so it is good that they were there as there was no way to match the green of the dress to any fabrics I could find.
Also, in order for me to make the jacket without seams showing, I had to make two pieces for each part of the jacket and with the double fabric, that meant FOUR pieces for each part of the jacket. I had to make two front and back pieces and then sew them together and then turn them inside out and sew the sleeves right sides together and then turn them inside out at the shoulder.
From there, I had to turn everything with the right sides out and sew the outer seams of the arms on and then hand sew the inner seam on. It was time consuming but it made the jacket without any rough seams or any fraying going on and that way no seams would show if she took the jacket off and there are no hems to curl or fold over on the jacket making it a more finished look.
I had forgotten that I had to do that on the homecoming dress for Princess Three but it has been over five years since making that dress alteration so I had to do some thinking as I really didn't give much detail on my post about it back then.
I think it looks beautiful and Princess Five kept saying she felt like a "Princess" so I guess she was happy with the jacket as well. I am grateful we were able to get the dress for $15. The fabric was under $10 for both pieces and her shoes were the one's she wore for homecoming so for under $30, she got the entire outfit.
Here is a link to Princess Threes prom dress blessing as well.
After hearing how much my friends spent on their daughters prom dresses, I can once again give gratitude that my girls are so easy going and that Heavenly Father helps us in so many ways to give them things that they want and need. I am grateful for my talent in sewing and making patterns as well. It has been a great blessing to my family over the years. It amazes me that I couldn't sew a pillow case in Jr. High. I had a seam down the center of the case as it was beyond me. Someone downloaded some great information into my head since then when it comes to sewing! For these things I am VERY grateful!
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