It seem that I have having a few first this week. My youngest is graduating from Middle School so I will only have kids in one school, which hasn't happened since Princess Two started school years ago.
I had my last band concert which I posted about here.
I had my first experience with a Jack Hammer taking out my sidewalk. Click here for that post
I really enjoy the girls dance competitions for the high school team as they are more put together with props, synchronization and I usually have at least one girl dancing. Even watching the other team isn't bad as some are really talented. My favorite part of the older girls dance recitals was video taping the younger girls dancing in the isles doing the dance along with their sisters.
The lighting where they had this recital is about the worst in town. I had a very difficult time getting a good picture while she was on stage. I had her go out in the hall afterwords and do some poses so I could take our last "dance" pictures.
When we moved from the East Coast, I would drive about 45 minutes one way to dance twice a week for the girls to continue taking classic ballet. Their teacher after a few years developed cancer and quit teaching. From then on, we did Jazz only because there were no Ballet teachers in town. Some had point classes but one hour a week isn't safe to build up those muscles and I felt driving over two hours one way several times a week with smaller children in tow to keep up with Ballet was a bit more than I could handle.
We tried cheer, tumbling, all the community sports teams along with ballet, clogging and jazz dancing. They took piano but I think I should have put them in voice and guitar lessons over the piano as none of them really ever took to it. We tried several different methods of piano but for some reason, it just wasn't their thing.
I have cleaned homes, and studios as well as trading out crafts and other services for lessons at times.
YES! It was worth every moment sitting around for hours in the car, taking the little sisters to the park while we waiting, raking leaves, scrubbing the floor and toilets with toothbrushes (yes, one woman had me do that.) Driving all over the state for competitions. Driving each week many times over for each girl to try several different styles so she could choose which she liked better. Worth the stress of figuring out how to fund raise for them to enjoy the Dance teams in High school.
Those warm ups are about $200 new. They never look worn as they are that thick polyester and always look sharp and never wrinkle so by trading out and being frugal, doing fund raisers with recycling etc, I have been able to allow my girls to take any classes they wanted and be on any team they wanted all with God's help and inspiration as to how I could make it work.
Car pools were my other life saver. I would drive one way and get another mom to drive back or I would take one week and they would take the next. Four or five moms could only have to drive once a month. I share this information so that if there are others out there that may be in my same situation, they know that God can help inspire them how they can make it work with His help.
You did well tonight Princess Five and I can't believe your flexibility! I am excited to see you and Princess four perform together. It should be an amazing year!
good girls! very good job! deep breath girl!