
Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Blog - Favorite Posts of Past Two Years

I thought I would spend one post on rehashing my favorite posts of all times. I have a few that I think are good but what I think is good and what others like are two different things.

Princess number four said that her favorite posts are "the ones about me!" Princess number five said, "the ones that have to do with food."

Princess number two said that she liked "In God We Trust" but said she doesn't look at it much. If you read this blog much you will know why. She is so busy with living life that reading this isn't in her "must do" list but I know later in life, she will be interested in the recipe section at least.

Princess number one reads it and comments regularly and I forgot to ask Princess number two her favorite as I wrote her weekly email. My guess on an answer for her would be similar in reply to Princess number 4. Anything about her! 

One of my favorites is one I titled "Knowing God Knows and Loves Me." It tells of how songs come on and how I know it is from God because there is no other way to explain how the song comes on just at the exact time it does without some explanation. Here is a link to that post!  

I have to agree with Princess number 3 on her favorite "In God We Trust" is up there on my favorite list as well. Here is a link to that post. It talks about how money has "God" on it and we burn flags that touch the ground but leave small coins on the ground all the time and they have God's name on them and after posting this post, I find coins all over now, especially when I need to be reminded to "trust in Him." So that has to be on the favorite list as I get constant reminders from my Heavenly Father that he loves me.

I think one of my very favorite all time posts is "Pedicures in Peru" as it reminds me to do service as my Savior taught by example. I still wish someday to do a painting of a more accurate depiction of what the feet would look like being full of sores, fungus etc. Here is a link to that post.

One of the posts that I enjoy is "Sometimes your Up and Sometimes your Down" and there were several parts to that as some of the above but I don't think in just the first post that you get everything I intended so I will add all the post links in that posted group so you can get the entire group. Here is part 1. Here is part 2. Here is part three. 

"Feeling Worthy to Stand with God" is another one of my favorite posts. It was almost two years ago that I wrote that post but it describes how I came to know God loves me. It was a milestone for me to overcome some of the feelings of self doubt that come from divorce and other difficult life trials. Here is a link to that post.

One of my favorite advice posts has to do with marriage. I have seen so much in the singles world being single now for ten years. I wrote a post "They Grass May be Greener but it's Full of Weeds." in several parts. I think any couple should read both of these posts and remember how blessed they are to have each other. Here is part 1. Here is part 2.

I like the favorite recipe posts as I can tell my kids now when they call asking for instructions on a favorite recipe to go to the blog. It has come in handy for other family and friends calling for the recipe on treats we make and share so I can just tell them to check out the blog for the recipe. I have used it myself a few times when I couldn't remember the amounts in a few things I hadn't made in awhile.

Posts that are favorite on the searches are the duct tape crafts, mostly, the gloves. Here is a link to that. Anything Duck Tape gets searched often. I also was surprised to find that Dehydrated Pickles is a hot search and looked at often. Here is a link to my post about trying that

The other most viewed searches go back and forth but I like my home decor posts and actually am planning on doing a bit more for that but needed to get myself a little more time to take that on. 

I hope you enjoy the posts that I have enjoyed writing over the years. I would love to hear what posts are your favorites. I hope you share them with us. Blogger has a new feature that won't take you from their page when you post a link so that will be nice from now on I won't have to put links at the bottom of the post. 

Happy Birthday to The Secret is Gratitude!  

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