
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Thank YOU For Your Influence In My World - Part 1

This may be a weird post and I am not doing it to offend anyone and I hope I don't leave anyone out but I was thinking that perhaps there are some people who have influenced my life in some way that changed it that I need to thank. There are probably  - always more people that we can thank and we are probably always in some debt at any time to someone but hopefully today, I will cover a few of you.

Teacher in NZ - There was a teacher while I was in New Zealand that taught me a great lesson about attitude. Here is a post about that. 

Erik - He taught me to look outward, to see others needs especially when I am feeling sorry for myself. Here are posts about Eric... Part 1  - Part 2 - Part 3

Nancy - Best Friend since High School - So many things I have learned from her through our trials and fun together. Here is a humorous post about her and I HAVE to thank her for always getting me tickets to things..... She has "connections" which have been a wonderful blessing. Here is a post about one of the MANY times she has gotten me tickets. She also listened so many time when I felt so frustrated all I could do is swear. I didn't like swearing and sometimes during my divorce I would get so upset, and not wanting the kids to see me upset, I would go into a closet and "let off steam" so I could then calm down and be "mom" again..... Her ears have been left burning on many occasions but it seemed if I could just get it out to someone, I could then deal with it and move on
NZ Host Families - How does one thank people who opened up their home for months to a stranger? I had four host families and a counselor family. I also had many friends families, other rotarians and strangers. I love each dearly. Many have passed away now and I am sad that I didn't get to see them again before that happened but in staying with them, it changed my world learning that not everyone lives the same way I do. They believe in different Gods, politics, life styles and yet, they all loved me! I don't think they could have given me any greater gift! The other thing they gave me was a love of Sheep! Ok, sheep's wool, but they taught me to knit! Here is a post about that.  I have used that skill all my life, sometimes more than others. It gave my children a love of wool and we all have Ugg boots and who doesn't love those!? Here is a post about that.

Jay - Jay is a friend I have that I met around the time I started this blog. He is still a friend but we met when he was single and now he is happily married so being single, those friendships often don't work well once one person is married. Jay taught me that I could trust a man and that men don't always have "motives" to be helpful and kind. He also had a way of looking at situations and figuring things out in a way other people don't. One time, he helped me change out some fence posts and taught me a great lesson and I have used it many time since. Here is a link to that post. He has also helped me many times with computer issues. Here is a link to a post with other links about him.

Sara - Sara was a young women I worked with when I lived in New England in our church. She came with us when we moved and lived with us for a year. This blog wouldn't be in existence without Sara... She showed me many peoples blogs and told me she thought I would be a good blogger. Here is a blog post about my 2000 post where I mention her. I obviously don't do a traditional blog as most have thousands of followers but the blog has been more like a journal of our family and has helped a few people along the way. Here is a funny post about her. We hired Sara to come to the hospital when I had Princess Three as I was super sick and didn't want to have the baby far from me but the hospital wouldn't allow the baby there without another adult in the room. This is how we became friends. I can't help think that hiring her to sit with a newborn in the hospital didn't somehow effect her life career. She became a nursing assistant while living with us and then worked in the delivery room and then became a Doula. She then was a Doula to Princess One for her first two babies! Full circle in our world!

Julie - If you search for any of these people listed on this blog post in my blog, there are many posts that will come up for each and I am only linking one or two but these people make such a huge impact on my world that they show up LOTS. Julie was the first person to introduce herself to me in this new town. We moved in next door to her home for a few months when we first got to town. We didn't become close until many years later when we were partnered up to go visit some ladies in our congregation. I LOVE this woman! She has been SO supportive and I was thrilled when we were both called to work together in the woman's organization in our church. She taught me a super easy crochet pattern which I showed to my girls and it got them all moving into showing interest in knitting and making baby blankets etc. Here is a post where she crocheted us each one for Christmas one year. She is SO talented. She is listed in many posts.

I have more but I need to get to bed and am exhausted. I was waiting for a video to upload and you know how slow my internet is so I started posting this instead. I will post more later but just know, I have LOTS of people on my list!

I THANK THEM AND YOU for all your support! Have a Blessed Day!~

1 comment:

  1. Just heard a news report on Christian radio...cdc says suicide has risen 30% since the 90s. Mostly no prior mental illness. Isn't that interesting they just reported this....guess they read your report.
    Maria. Onward and upward.
