
Friday, June 8, 2018

Silver and Gold - Wonderful Finds In A Grab Bag and A Sterling Bowl

 I have so much going on..... I am picking up my beautiful Princess Four today. I don't have time to do much of a blog so I am posting about a jewelry grab bag again. 

I bought it this week and could see right away there was lots of silver in it and was glad as the last four or five haven't had much of anything in them. 

I took a video and you can watch that if you are interested. It is kinda like a treasure hunt. The gold ring was right at the end. I thought it was play jewelry at first because it is such a small ring. 

I laughed super hard when Princess Two in all her tiny hands and thin body glory put it on her ring finger and it was HUGE with lots of air showing on her tiny fingers so that was funny. 

I found LOTS of fun silver chains that are shiny and bright and beautiful and one or two of them are SUPER heavy so there is a good amount of silver in them. 

I also found a beautiful black opal charm which I love as it reminds me of my mother. My mother got some black opals when she was traveling around the world as a beauty queen representative of the U.S. so when she visited Australia, she got some black opals and used them on a ring she had so I have always loved them. 

She actually used to have the opals hanging on the wall when we were little until it got bumped and broken and one of them got vacuumed up. So funny how you forget memories like that until you start sharing them. I had forgotten that all these years. We moved from that house when I was 7 years old so that is a super old memory! Maybe that is why I love opals so much. One of my first rings was an opal and I have given each of my girls an opal. 

I was lucky to find a butterfly opal with diamond chips and silver as well. Beautiful charms! 

I got a designer made silver bracelet and it has brass and maybe some gold mixed in but the writing was super small and I was in a hurry so I will have to investigate that further. I got silver earrings and a silver ring with diamond chips as well. 

The gold ring has a small diamond in it, maybe a 1/4 or 1/5 carrot. I can see why someone thought it was fake as it is so small but yahoo for me! 

I also found a silver sterling topped etched glass vintage bowl the other day. I had to look for about five minutes to find the marking as it was so tarnished and the marking was so small but after polishing it up some, the marks were clear. 

It was only $2 which is great for the amount of silver on it. 

I love when I find treasures at cheap prices! It is so much fun to find them and I also found some really fun pieces of costume jewelry that I like in the bag so it was really a fun bag. I was getting discouraged with the last bags and it is getting really hard to get bagged jewelry as I have share with so many people that others get them now so it really is the luck in timing if you can find one or not!

Next time I write, I will have seen my beautiful girls!!!! All of them together again for the first time in 18 months! Princess Five just put her papers in this past week so she is planning on heading out into the world soon as a missionary! So exciting that they have the courage to face going somewhere alone and serving their Father in Heaven for so long. I love that my girls have that faith in God to do that. I am SO BLESSED in SO many ways! 

Have a BLESSED Day! 


  1. Hello sweet girl?! Thank you for being so honest and letting others lesrn from you. You are generous and brave. not to mention selfless
    Thank your children too
    You perhapes have opened the eyes yo s stal liflezs community of physicians, including my own father that maybe there really is a problem here. Bravo sweetness
    I wol
    Wouldn't be as far a long as I am without you

    1. Hello to you sweet person! I am sure God has a hand in this as I still find myself wanting to delete all the posts about parasite. I even talked to a few people this week about just taking all of this off the internet but then wonderful people like you write me and let me know that it is doing some good even if science hasn't figure it out yet, just knowing someone has survived it or has been diagnosed gives hope so I will continue to post what I find and pray that someone will listen and start to figure out this horrible nightmare! God bless you in your kindness and pray that we both will find cures and peace soon! Have a WONDERFUL and BLESSED Day!
