
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Princess Four Straight Long Hair Photo Shoot - Top Ten

I have done the top then for all the single girls after this post. It will be nice to be able to do that for Princess and Prince One when the baby is born as I am SURE I will have LOTS of pictures and be able to post those then. 
Princess Four wanted senior pictures with her hair long and straight and then long and curled before she got it cut and colored. It just took us three months to take the time to get her hair curled and find time to go and take some pictures.  

She has enjoyed being able to fix up her hair without as much time. Take a foot off and it shaves a few minutes off of straightening time. 

1 - Princess Four is a great leader. She has been in school leadership and group leadership regularly. She keeps track of everything that needs to be done and is great at delegating. Here is a link to her running for Student Body President.   
2- She will do something if she is asked to do it. Out of all the girls, when it is her dish night, she will do them even if she gets home late and it is midnight. Most of the other girls will wait and do them the next day. I have always felt grateful that she holds up her end of the responsibility. This is probably why she is so good at "drill down" which is taking orders and following them. Here is a link to one of  gold medal wins.

3 - She is self motivated. She has done more in the past two years than several of my girls put together. Going to girls state, mission to Thailand, community choir, National Honor Society, City Youth Council, Church youth leader, Rotary Youth Leadership, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership and Jr. Counselor for both those activities the following year along with School Leadership each year and dance team for four years.. If she needed me to get her to all those events and many more I am sure I am forgetting, it wouldn't happen. She keeps on top of when and where she need to be. It amazes me.

4 - She is smart. There are only so many ways I can say that one. Several of the girls have skipped a grade when their age and birthday were within a month of the cut off for the school year. She however, skipped a full grade and is graduating the month after she turns 17. She was listed as first in her class of 141 in this post here.  I am excited to see where college will take her.... 

5 - She can be a "team" player. She has been on the dance team for four years at school and for most of her life in performing dance teams. She has been in her choir for three years now. If you read about her sister yesterday and followed the links, some of her dancing and singing is on those links. However, I will add some links here so you can enjoy her singing and pictures of her dancing as well. Here is a link to some posts of her dancing. Here is a link to a post of her singing. Here is another link to them performing at the US's biggest fourth festival.

6- She is not only good at team performing, she is an amazing actress and singer as well. She has been in many community plays and just landed a main role for a school play. Here is a link to her singing a solo at the fair.  Here is a link to her performing in "Oliver."  Her life dream is to be a Disney Princess. She would LOVE it if she ever got to play one or be one at their parks.

7 - She is kind, thoughtful and service oriented. Her service missions to Peru with our family along with her service mission to Thailand this summer along with other numerous services to family, friends and neighbors have me thinking faster that I can type. I have so many I want to list. Singing at the nursing home is one of my favorites, I am not sure it is one of hers as the smells are a bit different but she goes smiling. She rubs my feet and back OFTEN. Of course, I should have that one at the top as it is my favorite but she truly shows me love by doing it almost daily. Her 100 hours of service to the food bank also come to mind. What sixteen year old does that much service? Oh, I almost forgot, she has made hats for charity for years. Here is one I just found and had completely forgotten about. Making dolls for hospitals. Here is a link to that. Anyway, you get the idea.  

8 - She isn't afraid to try new things. Last year, her friend wanted to be on the golf team. Princess has a hard time playing sports because her dance team with the school conflicts with every sport. She tried to talk the coach into letting her be on the tennis team (which she has also never played) but that didn't work out so she was excited to find out that they could make it work for her to be on the golf team. Here is a link to her getting lessons from Grandpa. Here is a link to them riding the fire truck down main at midnight after her team took first at state. She is considering being on the team again this year even though she isn't as good as the other members, she loves to learn. That is what matters.

9 - If she doesn't understand or know how to work something, she will figure it out. Since she was VERY little, she has LOVED electronics. She asked for a lap top at a very early age and had one even before me I think. Her dad gave her a used one and it was older and in rough shape but she LOVED it. She always wanted the next electronic game etc. She would go to her friends houses and play their electronic games and toys. She LOVED Zoo Tycoon and other computer games where she could figure things out and build and add onto things. She knows how to download things and upload things and just took a college selling class and got an "A" after putting together a sales plan on computer etc. She also puts together slideshows and other features that I am a bit embarrassed to say, I have never done.On one of the links above you will see her giving a video slideshow at Rotary after her Thailand trip. Another link shows her performing in front of the student body where she did a mix up of songs for her skit. Check them out. 

10 - She can motivate people and entertain them at the same time. She is a WONDERFUL public speaker.   She has spoken many times at our church during services but she gave a great speech when running for Student Body President. She also gave a good speech when she spoke at the Rotary thanking them for their donation to her Service mission to Peru. My favorite speech was the one she gave out at the HOBY dinner where she was awarded the $10,000 scholarship for her many hours of service and leadership. Here is a link to that post. Here is a post where she had speakers from all over come and she spoke as well and then had the youth do service at the food bank.

I guess these past few days have given me reason to brag but the reality is I want the girls to know what qualities I admire in them. The lists were easy to make but it has taken me hours for each post searching for the post to go with the lists. I was a bit surprised by how many posts I did have on the younger girls and their accomplishments as I didn't blog when the older girls were doing all their similarly wonderful things during High School. 

Sorry if it is boring to anyone but me but I bet my girls will each love reading the post about them. I need to go back and add links to Princess Five's list as I didn't add links on hers. I think it will be fun for them to see so much listed in one post. 

I LOVE YOU and WANT you PRINCESS FOUR! (inside joke there) After writing all these, I realize just how blessed I am. I am truly grateful!

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