
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Photo Shoot - Princess Three and Ten Things I Love

As I review the girls pictures, I am so grateful how healthy and beautiful my girls are. It makes me count my blessings continually having them in my life.

Princess Three is so busy and doing well at college. It was VERY enjoyable having her home over the holidays. We didn't see much of her as she visited people in other cities for much of the break so every day we did have her was enjoyed.

She was great to go through her stuff and help her sisters get their bedrooms together.

Here are ten reasons why I LOVE Princess Three.

1 - She never backs down from an assignment. If I ask her to do something, she doesn't try and tell me why I shouldn't do what I asked her or tell me we can "do it later," or round up her sisters so it is "fair" before she does anything,  she just asks how I want it done and by when. Here is a post about a dinner someone asked her to plan. 
Here she is "taking orders" in Drill down winning the gold medal.

2 - She is a GREAT Leader. She was Student Body President and leader in many clubs and, is now the Vice President of the youth leaders at college. I've only ever heard praise about her leadership experiences from those she has worked with.

3 - When she speaks, people listen. She is a woman of few words. She had two older sisters to talk for her when she was young so unless she felt strongly about something, she just kept quite. When she speaks, we know it is something worth listening to. Here she is speaking at graduation.

4 - She is quick witted. She has a very quick sense of humor and sometimes it can be quite dry. Many people miss her jokes as she says them so straight faced but we "get" her most of the time.

5 - She is BRILLIANT. My father tried to talk her into going to Harvard last week. She is so smart that she graduated at the top of her class and has maintained her full scholarship and will be finishing up her associates degree this spring. I know she could get into Harvard but she is so "real" that she doesn't care about that type of thing.

6 - She is herself. She starts trends just by being herself. She would wear sweats to school and not even comb her hair and get compliments on her looks. She rarely wears make-up and her clothes are simple and inexpensive. She doesn't care about name brands. If she likes something, she will wear it. I used to get upset that she would wear sweats and basketball shorts with t-shirts almost daily. She "is who she is" because she is beautiful inside. Here is a post about her at college.

7 - She has a quiet wisdom. When others get upset about thing, she is calm and speaks quietly and explains all sides of an issue. She won't agree with you just to agree. She give you her true feelings and thoughts and you never have to wonder if she is "sugar coating" things. She just says it in a kinder way.

8 - She is low maintenance. She is happy with any situation. This probably comes from being a middle child. She will have fun no matter what someone plans. She will usually go along with the crowd and have fun doing whatever anyone suggests. She is one of those people who will make any situation fun.  .

9 - She is a problem solver. When she isn't sure about something, it may take her awhile to sort out what she wants to do but she looks at the situation examining it from all sides before acting. If she takes action on something and it doesn't go well, she takes responsibility for her choices and figures out a way to make things right. It take a mature person to admit they made a mistake and fix it.

10 - She makes great decisions and is extremely mature and responsible in her choices. I don't have to worry about her. She has consistently made such good choices that I really don't worry about her. If she has a question about something, she will call and ask about the options and get my "take" on what she should do but I have always taken care to not make the decision for her.

Some of my girls have hated that about me, wanting me to make the choice so they would have someone to blame if the choice didn't work out, but I give them the options of all the choices and the consequences or blessings of each choice the way I see it and then let them make the choice. She has always made her choice and been OK with the outcome even if it wasn't what she wanted or thought it would be. Here is a post about her choice to do a service mission to Kenya that has links to all the posts for that trip. .

I got ready to publish this and realized I didn't write anything about how talented she is as a singer and a dancer. Uh, if you have read this blog for very long, you will KNOW what an amazing singer and dancer she is. Here is a link to her singing "the national anthem" A'Capella with her sister at a game. Here is a link to one of the many dance posts.

Who could ask for more; I am truly blessed. Proverbs 31:28 states, "Her children rise up and call her blessed" I think that it is true. I am BLESSED.

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