
Monday, May 6, 2013

Check out My New Dehydrating / Dehydrated Pickle Video

Last year I posted a blog about Princess Five and her love of Pickles. My sister gave her a case of them for her birthday. Click here for that post. 

Princess ate some but they were sliced and Princess likes the whole pickles and she likes them really crunchy so that left us with a case of softer pickle slices. I have posted in the past about dehydrating pickles to see how they would taste because I was hoping I could do a bunch for Princess Five so she could have them all the time. She eats the bottles of pickles faster than I can buy them. 

I figured I would make a video about how I dehydrate pickles as that post is quite a popular post. So, I posted one on youtube. Here is a link to that post.

Here is a link to my blog about first dehydrating pickles

Here is a link to my blog about using them in tuna sandwiches and dip. 

Here is a link to my ultimate Tuna Dip and Sandwich.

I couldn't believe how small the pickles got. I dried about five half gallon jars and they all fit in to a quart size baggie when crushed. That should last me a lifetime. I think they would be good in Potato Salad as well.

I should try them in some other recipes but we don't use pickles in much I cook. I just had a thought about doing something with the pickle juice. I wonder how using it in bread as the water substitute would be? Princess Five drinks pickle juice sometimes but I didn't save any while dehydrating them. 

Hope you enjoy these posts even if you don't think you like tuna, try these. If you don't like mayonnaise or have allergies, I have used avocado in the past instead of mayo. I actually like it better that mayo. I usually add a dash of crushed red pepper sauce if I do that making it more into a guacamole type tuna. It is VERY good. 
Lately, I have been making my tuna and putting cheese on top and putting it in the toaster oven to make it a "melt" and it is YUMMY! 

The local grocery had avocados on sale for fifty cents each so thinking about this made me hungry and my mouth is watering. I know what I am making for lunch tomorrow! 

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