
Friday, May 3, 2013

Orange Julius or Creamsicle Smoothie - Use Up Old Oranges

I had a neighbor put a case of older oranges on my porch the other morning. He said they were a bit old but thought we may be able to use them. 

I couldn't think of a quick use for them as we had the flooding and guests so I thought I would use them for orange creamsicle smoothies.

I cut up about half of the oranges into quarters and then peeled the peel off and threw them all into the Vitamix or blender. I then put in several scoops of vanilla ice cream and some coconut milk to make it creamy. 

We each had some to drink but since we had dinner just before, we had some left over. I asked Princess five if she would like me to make some creamsicle popsicles and she said she would. 

I couldn't find my little popsicle makers and may have gotten rid of them so I just used a plastic cup and a spoon. 

To make the spoon stay in the center and easier to eat, I used some plastic wrap on the top of the glass and pulled it over the top of the spoon handle. The weight of the handle will pull the plastic wrap so in order to hold it in place, I use an elastic to keep the saran wrap in place. 

It was VERY pulpy because I used the entire orange. It tasted really good but a few days later, I actually juiced the oranges and then just did the same thing with the ice cream and coconut milk. 

I really like the coconut milk by SO. It is really good and creamy but I think they put a bit much sugar in it. I think you could use some canned coconut milk if you don't like the sugar.

We did a puzzle and enjoyed the evening and as you can see by the smile on Princess five's face, she enjoyed the Smoothie!

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