
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

She's the Leader of the Pack, er, I mean Ambassadors

I had the blessing to go spend some time with Princess three the other day. They were having an awards luncheon at the college for the Ambassadors for the year. 

One of the leaders was new this year and next year, they are having another new leader over all the Ambassadors. It was nice to get to visit with the new leader as Princess is going to be on the team again next year.

Princess three was asked to be the Vice-President over the Ambassadors next year. There are about 35 members on the team. She will be over all the freshman visitors. Lots of organization needed. She called me so excited about it. Right now, she has been living in an older house. She paid extra for her own room but the heat is old and it gets cold and she is across from the bathroom and has lots of house mates. 

With her position, she will get her own room at a new condo style apartment and it is FREE for the year! She is so happy to be in a place that is newer. I am so GRATEFUL for the blessing of it being free. We went with cheaper and older due to finances so it is a wonderful blessing that she gets new for free.

She is staying there for the summer as she has two jobs and can work lots of hours. I figured that since Princess four will be going all over the world and at camps through August, we won't be home much and princess four may not be able to find a job here. There, she is in line to keep her job, get into her housing asap and get organized for next year. 

She really loved working for the administration this year and is happy to have that lined up for next year so we don't have to go job hunting again. She got the "Busy Bee" award for always asking what she could do to help at every event. I have raised her well I guess. I always reminded them to "ask me what you can do to help because I may not always think to ask for help when I am busy." so I am glad to know that that lesson got through.

She moved this week into her summer housing but informed me today that she" hasn't put all her clothes away yet," as she said it out the corner of her mouth. I would be shocked if they were all put away. Not a common theme in teenage girls rooms to have no clothes out. 
Princess is doing well and I was thrilled to get to spend some time with her and have a nice meal. I used to see her weekly and then her schedule changed and we had the Princess two surgery and the holidays and now flooding etc. I told her I want to get back to seeing her weekly again for lunch as her schedule allows this summer. 

So PROUD of you Princess three. You amaze me with all your wonderful leadership skills. Have fun being a bridesmaid this weekend! LOVE YOU!

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