
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Some of Our Favorite Fourth Traditions - Mostly Wonderful

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite post about the fourth of July. Enjoy some pictures from our last Fourth of July while linking to these links. Here is one of our activities we have done on the fourth of July. Rafting the canal is one we did for a few years. Here is a post to where Princess Three sliced her foot open on the fourth while climbing out of the canal on the Fourth which made our first hospital visit on the fourth ever. 

The annual town fish grab is one that we haven't participated in much as my girls weren't willing to fight the other kids or touch fish, but it is one that holds some memories. Here is a post about it with our exchange student.  

Princess Five has performed many times at the fourth. Here is a post about her being in the parade and performing a few weeks before her car accident. 

Here is one from 2014 where I share about patriotism and our fourth traditions.  Here is one from last year about an out of control wild fire. 

This is the last time that our family was all together for the fourth of July. It was July 2015. There was only one grandchild at that time. We did have a fun time together and I wish it was more of a tradition for us. 

Here is a post about us writing words with Sparklers on the fourth. They came out really fun and "sparked" us doing it at other times. Here is one doing sparklers with my oldest grandchild. Here is more sparkler fun! The car one was done with several people and came out fun!

Four of my girls have performed and danced for large patriotic production for many years.  Here is one from 2011 with Princess Three and Four dancing.   Here is a post about that for 2010. 

All of my girls were in the Fourth of July Town Parade at some point with the dance teams. We also had a booth for many years at the fair after the parade at the town park. We would do press on Tattoos for kids, paint fingernails, fishing booths etc. The girls always like to help out in the booth. Sometimes it was for the school class, other times it was to help pay for summer dance camps, and the last time we did a booth was to raise money for our local food bank. Here is a post from that year. 

By far, my most favorite Fourth of July Ever, has to be the one when I got my first Grandson! Being a grandma is the best part of my world and I feel very blessed to have three when so many will never have one! Enjoy this post about his birthday! This was our last trip to the hospital on the Fourth Of July.

 Have a Blessed and Safe Fourth Of July!

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