
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sorting and Cleaning, Cleaning and Sorting

I have had a very crazy month. June zipped past me and I am a bit lost as to where it went. 

Summer is a third gone and I haven't even felt like it is summer. My father has had some health issues and I will share those later as things become clearer, but I have been traveling to visit and help as I can. 

I had some pressing things I needed to do at my home but am grateful that I CAN help. Most of my siblings have kids at home still and aren't in a place where they could go to stay and help.

My siblings are helping as needed and as they can, which is wonderful. I have helped my dad as he will let me as it is hard for a man to allow a daughter to do things he feels he should be doing. 

I however am not a normal daughter. I have had to take care of the house and yard since the day I got married and am far better at it than many, or most men. I understand how things work and am creative enough to figure out how to do things if I don't know, so he is stuck with me. 

I think I have shared in the past that I don't sit down. I go all day and if I do have to sit down, I fall asleep. So, my poor Step-mother (name only, I love her like a mom) has had so much going on that I just took over and did some things that needed doing and sourced out things I couldn't get to by myself to other family members. My dad didn't like that I got people involved but they now have many things fixed or done that needed doing but with his bad knees, he couldn't get to doing. 

With the flooding they have had, my dad had lots of things to sort through and I can't decide on which papers to keep for him, so in his weak and not healing well state, he has been a trooper trying to get things done. You can see he is sitting in a wheel chair sorting papers in the garage as that is where all the wet boxes of papers got stored. I think in a way it is a blessing, so that he can sort through them and tell me about the important things and throw out the stuff I wouldn't need to look at. 

His leg swells and his knee hurts if the foot is down for very long, so he can only work in small amounts a few times a day. 

We were able to get the stuff sorted enough that we had two boxes that were not wet we could bring back in and we filled the entire recycling bin with papers several times in the past few weeks. 

Today, I folded up the tables in the garage and we were able to put the last flood stuff behind us. There is one more drywall patch needing to be fixed, but the majority of the items are put back into place and now he just needs to sort through the boxes that he needed to sort before the flood. ha ha. 

While he was resting and I needed something to work on since I don't sit, I was able to help my step-mom clean out their storage room where they keep camping supplies and food storage items it is similar to a walk in pantry. I pulled out all the food and rotated it and labeled it on the shelves and put "like with like" so when they needed an item it was all together and they could then rotate the items. She is SUPER organized but she is not very tall so it is hard for her to get the stuff on the top shelves so I cleaned space and combined things so we could get everything down from the top shelves that she would use and put things on them that she may use once a year. 

Really, she is super organized and very clean so it wasn't a big job and she won't let me do anything without helping so it went fast but gave me something to do while my dad rested. 

I kinda feel sorry for her because I will find things to fix and do that most people won't notice, but I just don't sit during the day, so I have a list of sorting pictures and watching VHS tapes to see if it is anything worth copying over and also have a few piles of items to scan that need organizing before I can take a few days to scan. So, I am hoping to get that done soon and when my dad is feeling a bit better, I can get him to talk about all his awards that I am finding along with many certificates. He has more awards than any other person I have seen in person. Maybe I will do a post on those one day. 

Anyway, just keeping busy which is how I roll. Here is a post about why I don't sit usually. I call it "Sititus" as I have had this issue for years. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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