
Thursday, January 24, 2019

My YoYo Artist - One Talented Niece

I have a niece that I call "Yo Yo" since she was a baby. I shared in the past that she is amazingly talented. She has made me wonder where she will end up in life due to her sweet ability to learn new things, perfect them and move on. 

Every year, when we get together for family reunions and activities, I ask her to give us an "art show" and share her latest and greatest works of art. She had always been willing to share with me, allowing me to see her growth and movements into different medium. 

She doesn't stay with what makes her comfortable, but moves on to things that will challenge her in a new way. She has worked with all sorts of different medium and has sold customs painted designer toy animals as well as painted leaves and is an expert in clay miniatures. 

I was working on a project this past year, and needed to sculpt something in clay and she had just what I needed to fix the elephant carving I needed to repair. I would have had to purchase the item online, and wait for shipping to our out of the way town, but she had everything I needed and wouldn't let me pay for the supplies. I was given instructions on how to mix the clay and use it. 

Sometimes it is good to have an expert around to help with those little things that come up. It isn't a wonder she is so creative as both her parents are artists in their own fields. Her dad is good at so many thing, he welds, builds, designs custom rat rods and is crazy good a free hand custom painting on cars. 

Her mother is a whiz with papers, fibers, fabrics, and décor. She has created masterpieces out of any type of papers. She created Princess One's wedding bouquet and flowers out of old maps. I can't even tell you how creative she is when it comes to repurposing things.

I wish I had taken a picture of the custom leaves she painted. She got fall colored real leaves and painted silhouette safari animals on them with trees etc. It made them look like animals on the tundra at sunset with all the cool autumn colors. I guess I didn't get any pictures of those. 

Recently, she was working on these cartoon type animals as she wanted to be able to illustrate books, so in the last post linked above, you can see how she was working on those and then see in these pictures how she perfected them and is now moving on to other things. 

She was so excited to get a new designing computer for Christmas this year. She had to help pay for part of it due to the cost, but she earned and saved money to do that. Within the first two days, she did the portrait of her niece pictured at the top, and the portrait of the boy at the bottom of the page. 

Those were her first two creations. I sat and watched her whip out the top portrait while we were at our family Christmas party.

Since that time, she has gone back to her first love of animals. She wanted to be a vet when she was little as she loves animals so much. But, we could tell art would become her first love and animals would be bumped back to second. 

You can see how she has combined both loves and is getting better at this new medium on the computer. I can see her becoming an animator for Disney with her love of both art and animals. 

I'm so glad I get to watch this girl excel. I may just need to do a post on her sister who is quite famous as a fingernail artist. I am in awe of what grand scenes she can paint on a fingernail! She recently did a portrait of her daughter across the five nails. When compared to the original photo, you couldn't tell the difference in the two. 

I am related to some really talented people! Have a Blessed and Talented Day!

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