
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

In God We Trust Update - It's Been Over a Year

It has been over a year since I counted up my "found money" as it was in November 2017 that I added it all up last.

If you haven't seen my original post about that, check it out here. I have never made a video before about why I pick up coins off the ground, but figured that may make a good video so those that are subscribers to my youtube videos can understand my references to coins. I find that many people that watch my youtube channel are not blog readers. 

It is so interesting to me how times have changed. It is amazing how quickly things change now, from electronics, to how we get information, and how we communicate. Things are just moving so fast that it is interesting to me to see how much things have changed in the world in the last 100 years. Even more in the last fifty year, and I wonder where things will be when my children are fifty. 

I took some time today to count up my "found money" and shared on my video how I was talking to my sister yesterday. We were talking about how much time all the family history has, and is, taking up in my life. I keep finding myself overwhelmed and avoiding all the things of my mom's that I need to do, as it sucks the joy out of my world.

It is the sheer volume of things she saved, and has that are overwhelming. Even with that, her mother was a secretary and had many thing organized, but it was nothing compared to the pallets of boxes we have had to sort and the thousands of tapes and movies, pictures, and documents I have had to scan and transfer to video. 

I really wonder if I am wasting my time organizing it and sorting it. I know many other families just throw everything out with hoarders, but I can't seem to do that with the historical papers, pictures, recordings, and documents. I just wish my seven siblings would spend a week and come help me get this finished and get through the last of her estate stuff so I can move forward and let go of it all. 

I was sharing this with my sister, and she told me she wished that God would be able to give me a sign or let me know somehow that it does matter and that all the stuff I am doing is important and just after she said that, I looked down and saw the dirtiest dime I have ever picked up. I questioned if it was even a dime it was that dirty. We had been standing in that spot talking for half an hour and neither of us noticed it. 

She said, "there is you sign~ a penny!" I said, "it's a dime" and she said, "There you go, what you are doing is ten times more important, He just let you know sending you a sign!" 

Later, I pondered on what she was saying. I realized that in a clean shiny dime and that dirty, scratched condition dime have the exact same value! No one wants the dirty penny, they want the shiny, new looking coins but what I do, and have always done, is take the dirty coin, (item, dresser, etc) and make it new again, polishing, cleaning, sewing, whatever it takes to make it valuable and wanted again. Funny thing is, after I make it nice and new looking, people want it! 

No one wants the broken trophy, the falling apart frame, the dresser with the drawer falling off, the radio table that needed refinishing, the 180 8mm films, the thousands of pictures in six pallets of papers and junk mail, finding and transferring hours of family recordings, some over 60 years old. etc. However, when I get it all finished and looking good, everyone wants it.

I realize that I have a gift for taking unwanted and discarded items and transforming them into something useful and beautiful! I can take chaos and make order. I can take overwhelm and make it functional! It isn't to say that I want to do it, but I can do it. I take old t-shirts and make a comfy quilt, and that I do enjoy doing. I think it is because it is on a limited scale. There can only be a certain amount of items on a quilt, so I know I am dealing with a specific pile. 

The other items have been huge and daunting amounts but even with that, even though I still have totes, piles, boxes and bins of stuff to finish, when I look back at the amount of stuff I have done, I have come a long way with what I am working on, but when I look at how much I still have to do, I do get overwhelmed. I need to just focus on one task at a time. 

I know there is value in what I am doing and I know that everyone in my family wants the information once it is in a tidy package. Hopefully, I live long enough to finish this all up and get working on my own family videos and scanning pictures as I don't want to leave my girls with any thing to work on, just give them something they can enjoy. 

I added another bit of cash to my "Found Money" today and hope I am continually blessed to be reminded regularly to "Trust in God" in my daily travels. 

Have a Blessed and coin filled life!

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