
Monday, April 9, 2018

In a Princess House - Princess Two and the Dr. Seuss Quilt

As you know, I have been making a Dr. Seuss quilt for Princess Two. As a small child, her favorite book was "In a People House" by Dr. Seuss and her favorite toy was the "Little People" house by Fisher Price. She would sit for hours and play "little people." 

She has always loved words, poetry, rhyme, and rhythm. She took poetry writing classes as a teen and has always enjoyed expressing herself through writing. She has written many people poems for birthdays, holidays, thank you gifts, and to others when they have lost a person in their life. Several have been printed on funeral programs as they were so touching and pertinent at the time.

Knowing that about her, you can see why she LOVES Dr. Seuss and his adorable books! She loves many of the quotes from his books and even Seussical the Musical is one of her loves. She loves all things Seussical! 

Before this quilt, I have never followed a quilt from start to finish on my blog or youtube channel. I have posted a post here on "how to use a hat for a quilt" or "Putting overalls on a quilt" type of posts but never "Here is how I find and choose shirts" to "Here is how I place them and why" to "Here is how I cut them and measure the backing" and lastly, "Here is how I sew and finish the quilt."

So, with this quilt, I tried to get all the processes of the t-shirt quilting process down as well as the reason I do them. I explain the way that I do as I have learned a few things over the years. Many people use backing material and it is super time consuming or they just sew on one thickness and then the stiches pull and break etc.

I hope that I got all the steps in there and it is clear and understandable to everyone. Many people ask me how I make them, now I can just send them to this post as I am going to link them all here.

Post one on the Seuss quilt is here.
Post two on the Seuss quilt is here.
Post three of the Seuss quilt is here.
Post four of the Seuss quilt is here.

Princess Two told me a few years back that she would love to have a "Dr. Seuss Wedding." Now she claims that she really wasn't serious, but somewhere deep down in her lyrical mind, I think there was some truth to that statement. 

I have pondered a few times over, on how I can make Truffula trees to line the room, and how to make small ones for the tables. I have even collected stuffed animals of Seuss, if I ever see a new one I haven't found before, I get it "just in case" she decides to do that magical wedding adventure. I am sure I could  even make a Horton tree for the corner. ;-) 

So, anyway, with all that information, I was SO excited to be  able to find enough t-shirts to make her a "Seuss" T Shirt quilt! She helped me find some of the shirts, but as I was looking for shirts for my dad's life quilt, I kept my eye out for shirts to fit in other quilts I planned. I checked all over the state in second hand stores and found most of these during that time. 

Even the last day before I started sewing on the quilt, I had one more spot for "pants" fabric as I had fleece ones for that spot but fleece doesn't hold up well over time and washing so I really wanted a cotton pair for that spot and Princess Two just happened to come visit me that weekend and we went to a local shop and guess what she happened to find......

Oh, you know me so well...... Yep, a pair of pajama bottoms with a different fabric than all the others we already had so she could have a similar strip of fabrics on the edges! 

Oh happy day!!!!! I finished the quilt and was able to deliver it on my way through to help her sister this past week! 

I took a video of her opening it and a few pictures of her wrapping herself in it as she walked into the other room like royalty with her robes flowing behind her..... She really is happy with the quilt and excited to have it. 

Now if I could just get a few of the other girls to commit to a "final" approval on their quilts so I can get to sewing!!!! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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