
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Creative Idea That May Help Identify Parasites Out of Rashed Skin - Elmers Glue

I had a viewer write me a few weeks back sharing that I should try using "Freeman's Cucumber Peel Mask" to put on my rashes and skin. She shared that she used it and when she took it off, she could see some parasites and nematodes or something in the clear peel.

Living in a small town, I don't have many options for shopping and we are limited to larger brands as the space is limited and they don't carry less used items. I searched for the Cucumber mask as I have had that mask in the past but couldn't find it in our little town. 

I had a little note in my wallet to remind me to look for it when heading to a bigger city as I have to do that with many items I can't find in our town. 

I had an item break a few days back. I wanted to get it fixed at the time as I don't like leaving things in an unused state as they tend to get set aside and never used again and are taking up space but can't be used. I really like finishing projects so I got out my Elmers Glue and took off the lid as the nozzle hasn't worked in 15 years. I have a gallon of the Elmers and just keep refilling the container for years now. 

As I squeezed the container, a huge amount of glue dumped out onto the counter. I started cleaning it up and then had the thought that the glue could work like the cucumber mask. I remembered putting it on my hands and letting it dry for a few minutes and then peeling it off as a child.

I figured I could at least try using the Elmers glue to pull off anything on the surfaced of my hand. So I took the glue from the counter and spread it all over the back of my hand. It was thick in some areas and took about 20 minutes to dry in those wetter areas but since it was on the back, I was still able to do stuff. 

I have been using Lugols Iodine on the back of my hands along with some antifungal cream and castor oil so I don't know that the glue will show anything on the glue I took off but it is an interesting idea.

I peeled the dried glue off my hand and then looked at it under the little magnifying glass eye piece I use when I am scouting out gold and silver jewelry. I could see skin and maybe hairs but unless I can find a magnifying glass with stronger magnification, I don't think I will see much. 

HOWEVER, I figured if you have rashes and haven't been putting anything on them, you may be able to see parasites clearly, I just always put stuff on my hands trying to keep the rashes down for years now so I should probably do the glue on the rash that has started showing up at the base of the neck hairline. 

I just thought I would share this idea and some pictures so that if you are looking for a way to check for parasites, this may be an option. 

I hope you never do have parasites but I am doing my best to give lots of options on how to diagnose or prove that they are there in case you ever do get them. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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