
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dragon of Ice and Cats - Princess Four In Japan

Hello to my favorite Beautiful People!

Yesterday my beautiful bean and I both slipped and fell down.... If that doesn't tell you how Ichi(unified) we are, I don't know what will! Luckily we are ok!

The senior Elder fell and broke his ankle this week... so we are counting our blessings. We hope he recovers quickly! 

Some miracles and good times of this week! 

We taught Yuka san! She fed us ray... as in Manta ray... as in like.. yes. It was pretty good. You eat the bones too, so imagine eating chicken cartilage. I would eat again.

She is too cute! We invited her to baptism, and she said Muri... which means impossible, but it is only her second lesson, and she asked who God is, and so, like most people here in Japan, we have to teach her from the very very beginning! We have a lot of hope for her! she is just a doll! Please be baptized! And we went with a member and they just hit it off. I love this gospel!
We went and looked at a huge set of dolls for girls day here in Japan. I remember last year I learned about some of the symbolism, and a lot of it is church related, but I forgot. Luckily google exists for you out there!

We taught a really nice lesson to a woman. She fell from a parking garage a few floors in her car, and she broke her back, but she is ok now. She asked what we thought. I told her about my sister, and her (roll over)experience, and testified about the Plan of Salvation, and how I know it's true. My companion, and the Bishops wife were crying, and the spirit was so strong, which means they felt it too. They said "no" to lessons, but we will see! They were so cute! 

I sent my little Bean Shimai on a Valentines Scavenger hunt! I love my bean! Thank you mom for the Valentine tradition! 

we taught our beloved Wako chan on Valentine's Day. No better way to spend the day of love than by talking and teaching about the Savior and His Gospel! 

We went on splits this week. Shout out at the Beautiful Cha Shimai. We ran into a members friend, and she gave us cake. And then we also got long sticky potatoes from a member. All in a days work. Too fun! 

We went to a concert that a family invited us to. Please be baptized Waka ke! They played Stars and Stripes forever as the encore, and we lost it. Shout out to the two Americans on the very front row of this concert. God Bless the USA. And Japan. Please open all of everyone's hearts to the gospel.

Western night is becoming a HUGE deal. Shout out at my college swing class for coming in clutch. My companion and I will be singing Jambalaya. Videos to come. 

The members here are just TOO good. We would be so lost without them. I love the ward!!!! 

At Eikaiwa we learned that Haikus are Japanese. They are about Seasons. But Senryus are just the 5 7 5 syllable pattern. Thank you Japan.

She is a dragon.
This is a cat.
These are Pegasus.
Most of the District.
We are sitting in a heart. Yay.
That is snow people. With lights. 10/10 would recommend.
YUKA SAN! And ray..
Sister Cha! 
And I had a dream about my comp one time. So dogs here wear socks. And in the dream she wanted to buy some, but the store lady was like, "Mam, those socks are for dogs." And my companion just looks back at her and says, "and people." 

Have such a great week. See the miracles! 

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