
Monday, February 19, 2018

Daddy Daughter Valentines Dance and Date - Sweetest Thing Ever

This last month, my oldest grandchild turned four. I can't believe I am a grandma, even yet, having a grandchild that is four. It feels like I blinked and being so busy for the past 15 years or so, that I missed soaking it all in and I can't recall so much of the girls life as I was busy with keeping up as a single mom, court dates or helping my mother through illnesses etc.

This last week, the town my oldest daughter's family lives it did the cutest thing. They sponsored a "Father and Daughter Valentines Dance."

I had never heard of this before last week when my daughter mentioned that her husband would be taking their oldest to it. Since that time, I read an article about another town that does it but the police and firemen will take the girls that don't have dads in the picture. I thought the story was so sweet and I was sad that my girls didn't have a father for their Jr. Prom "father - daughter" dance but winced that they didn't get to do these types of thing and we had to find substitutes for any situation that was "father" related.

I realize that those situations left a hole in some of them but when Princess One posted these cute pictures this week with her wonderful husband being such an amazing father, two of my girls were brought to tears by what a good father he is! Them being brought to tears at the cuteness, brought me to tears as I know there is loss for what could have been or what should have been in those situations.  

I am so proud of the man Prince One is and the example that he sets for my other girls. Just tonight, he was making dinner as my oldest is almost 8 months pregnant and wasn't feeling so great. He helps with all the household chores, does most of the outside chores, helps with all child related situations and also provides a great income so that Princess One can stay home with the children!

As you can see by these pictures, he was enjoying himself at the dance and before the party, Grand-Princess got to go get her hair done at the salon. She loved being pampered and Princess three visited them last week and got her this cute crown for the dance. 

Isn't she just adorable looking at herself in the mirror at the salon!?

She beamed all day and I thought it was adorable when Princess One told us that she had been practicing her "Twirls" all day so that she would be ready for the dance that night with her dad! She sent us a cute video of them practicing the "twirls" together just before leaving for the dance.

Her dad took her to her favorite restaurant "old MacDonald's farm" as she calls it as I guess "McDonald's" can be confusing to a child if they know the "Old MacDonald's farm" song so since that time, she has always called Mcdonalds "old MacDonald's farm" which totally makes sense! 

They got ready, took a few pictures, went to dinner at her favorite place and then headed to the dance. She is so excited as you can tell by the pictures! I asked Princess One to take lots of pictures so I could share with you as I thought it was a brilliant idea! 

The town they live in has some of the most fun activities. She is always telling us about the fun things the town lines up for the family and for the kids. I wish our town had been more like that when my girls were growing up. 

We used to visit my sister over the fourth of July as her town had a huge festival for family and kids and all the activities were free. I love it when towns give back some by doing things like this for families. 

Grand-Princess One had been asking me for weeks to remember to bring her a crown when I come when the new baby is born. I told her I already have it packed but I am SO glad Princess Three got her this one to wear to the "ball" as she is so cute in it and it matches her long "princess dress" so well! 

Princess One sent us the pictures of "before" the dance and we were all mesmerized by how cute and happy she is. Then her dad sent pictures and video of her at the dance and she looked like she just one ten million dollars! Actually, she wouldn't have been as happy if she won money! She LOVED getting the one on one time with her dad! I think my favorite picture is the one of him dancing with her on his knees and she isn't looking at the camera, she is just looking up at her dad like he can do no wrong! Such admiration and trust in that look, it melts my heart! 

I also love that Prince One looks like he is having fun in the pictures and was willing to take pictures and videos so we can enjoy the night with them as well. I know he isn't as into pictures as the rest of us but I love that he is willing to tolerate them and knows that we enjoy them so he did it for us as well as his own family. What a wonderful memory those pictures will be for her as she grows up. Many times in my life, I didn't remember events until I saw a picture and then the even came rushing back. I know this will be one of the first memories she may remember and what a nice one it will be! 

This is what her mom sent us before the dance. "She was practicing before her dad came home.  Curtsying, and putting up one hand to the other persons and spinning, and spinning under the princes arm, and walking around him while he kneeled.

At the hair school she said,"This place is stinky." And then said. "Hold my hand mommy, so I'm not scared". And later said "thank you mommy. I look like a princess""

After the dance, her dad sent us some cute pictures and this.... "Someone was tired by the end."

You only need look at the last picture to see what he was talking about. It is SO adorable! I am so grateful he is a good father and husband to Princess one and their family. Kudos to the towns that put family first and offer these type things. Princess One's last comment on the subject was this,
"I love our town for stuff like this.
-daddy daughter tickets $3 each,
- hair style $8,
-McDonald's $20

"Mommy, they played fast songs and slow songs, and beauty and the beast and trolls!" -priceless!"

When I video chatted with my grand-daughter today, she told me that she got to go to dinner at "Old McDonalds farm, and then I got to go to the ball with daddy!" I replied, "Oh, you got to eat dinner at McDonalds farm and go to a dance with daddy?" and she said, "NO, I went to the "Ball" with Daddy!"

It was so adorable! I seriously think it is wonderful that they went and she got that opportunity and hope that she has many more nights like that where she can feel like a Princess with a man that respects and honors her!

In the end, thinking about this, isn't that what we wish for any daughter of God! An earthly father who would do anything to protect, cherish, honor and love his daughter. I hope that my other girls can find a wonderful husband who will be the husband and father they deserve!

Have a Blessed Day!

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